Chapter Thirty Eight

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(Kit's Pov)

After Loki agreed, and they followed Peter to the lobby- where his friends were waiting- the team of misfits walked through New York, soon arriving at their first destination. The others wouldn't tell Kit where they were going, nor did the victims have any idea. Though, by the time they stepped inside, the answer presented itself.

Ice cream.

Sweet, cold, and the most amazing thing invented since apple juice. Well, maybe chocolate was up there too. All three were very closely tied.

"This is amazing!" Kit purred as she took another bite of the mounds of chocolate. Whoever imagined chocolate ice cream with chocolate chunks, and chocolate syrup on top was a genius.

"Yeah, chocolate's pretty good. But nothing beats Sherbert." MJ said, fiddling with her scoop. Peter's friends had been really nice so far, showing interest in everything Kit said. The same for Loki, a refreshing atmosphere from the feel of the tower. The team accepted them, but this trio accepted them in a different way. A current-condition type of way.

"Sherbert tastes like soap." Ned said, receiving a glare from MJ and her multi-color ice cream. "Unless, of course, it's rainbow, which is fine."

The quick submission brought out laughter from the viewers, as each kept to their own bowls for a moment. Until Peter and Ned started with the theory of someone part spider and part man.

"But what about webbing? Where does it come from?"


"He eats it." MJ's comment turned their heads. "What? Spiders eat old webbing so they can make more. If the subject is half human and half spider, and he could use webs, then the fact applies."

Peter looked appalled. "But it would be so sticky! Human mouths would be glued shut."

"Not if he had a spider's mouth. Being half human and half spider, he might have six arms, a spider mouth, an enlarged abdomen, and dozens of eyes." Loki's logic quieted the rest of them, as the teenagers looked on impressed. Kit felt... proud? That he had managed such a feat.

"Unless he is like me." Kit spoke up, "If he can control what parts of him are spider, and what parts are human." She flicked her cat ears, the perfect example. But then again, her skills were attributed to magic. And assuming this spider-man is half and half permanently, he would have none.

"Speaking of you, this is only half our surprise." MJ smiled, clearing the empty bowls in one sweep.

"Oh? Where is the rest?" Kit asked, standing with the others.

"Across the street." And so their group left the frozen parlour, heading over to a cute café. With a design of some sort of animal as its logo- or, really the head of one. With pointy ears, a small nose, whiskers...

"What is this place?" Kit asked, as Peter held the first door for the group. Seemed Loki had the same question, looking around hesitantly. In all aspects it looked like a normal café. But the sign- why would there be a cat as a café sign?

Her question was answered when the second door opened, releasing the noise from inside. A dozen different meows, as the more social cats came bounding up to meet the guests.

"A cat café!" MJ said, her grin matching Peter and Ned's. But all three combined failed to compare with the one spreading across Kit's face.

"What!" She squealed, bending down instantly to meet those who greeted them. Before deciding to completely dismiss the concept of staying human, changing into her smallest form. This surprised both the humans and felines, as greetings were exchanged and invitations to play taken up.


(Loki's Pov)

"How did you find this place?" Loki asked the trio, as they sat at a table watching the cats play. "I never knew such a place existed."

"Not many people do." MJ shrugged, "I've never heard of this until Peter brought it up." Of course he did this. For all the mixed feelings Loki held for the boy, he really was trying to make today special for Kit. And in the least, Loki could appreciate the effort made.

"Aunt May actually told me about it. One of her patients used to work in the area. She brought me here a few months ago. I thought Kit would love it."

"It seems she does." Loki couldn't help the smile that graced his face at the thought of her, more so when he looked around the room for the Kitten. Spotting her learning to play with the other felines on a cat bridge which spanned across the far wall.

He didn't notice the shared looks between the teenagers, as they all came to the same sudden conclusion. "You have a crush on her!" MJ whispered, drawing away the dark prince's attention.

"What is that?"

"He so does, doesn't he?" Ned chuckled, before turning to answer his question. "You like her."

Well, there goes keeping their relationship secret. How could these children unravel so much from so little as a glance?

And a smile. Maybe some other subconscious signs Loki had failed to notice as he fueled their theories.

Loki scoffed. "I do not know what you mean." Apparently, this was the wrong response. As they started a mix of laughing, and talking about ideas for future dates, how to confess his love, and everything romantic of the like.

What did he get himself into?

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