Chapter Thirty One

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(A/N: A long awaited chapter! If anyone is against romantic descriptions {which I am surprised, as this is both wattpad and a romance?} I suggest you skip the scene between the two <3<3<3 's. Thanks for reading!)

(Kit's Pov)

"I love you!"

The words sprouted from her mouth, catching even herself off guard. For a second Loki looked taken aback as well, before regaining his constant stature. Out of all the times she rather he didn't mask his real feelings, this moment surpassed every other one.

His face finally showed a realisation, although no more than that miniscule emotion was paired with it. "And I, you." He acted as though he always knew her confession. Like he didn't care if she actually loved him. "Friends can feel love for one another-"

Ah, friends. The one thing she really did not want to be at the moment. The status Kit attempted time and time again to be rid of.

Desperate to be understood, she interrupted him. "No, Loki. I love you. More than friends." Her cheeks burned as she admitted this, but still Kit pushed forward. "In the romantic sense of the word."

Loki's face contorted into the deepest confusion, before he forced it to relax once more. But Kit could see the thoughts race through his mind, and his mask faltered. Kit attempted to sum up the pieces of feelings that bled through, only coming to the conclusion that he didn't feel the same.

It was exactly what she was afraid of.

"You do not have to say anything now, I just- I wanted you to know. But I do not want to lose our friendship. I don't expect you to feel the same, only I-" She rambled on.

"Kit, calm down." Loki didn't touch her for comfort as he normally would, not even holding her hand. "My silence does not mean disagreement. I just..." he sighed, running a hand through his perfectly combed hair. Pieces broke free, falling down and framing his face. "Do you realise the extent of your confession? Do you really mean it?"

What did he mean? Why would she say something without meaning it? "Of course." He remained silent, so she pressed on. "I said it because I do not want to only be friends anymore, Loki. You mean more to me than anyone I have ever met. I have all these feelings and nowhere to put them. I want to call you more than a friend and- and I want to mean more to you also. But I know that may not be the case."

As she confessed this, the same feeling blossomed again within her. The fluttery feeling that arrived whenever he was near. His silence was deafening, however, and she found herself double guessing if this was even a good idea.

She looked up from her fidgeting hands, meeting Loki's eyes. They held them together for a moment, before she looked away and blurted out, "We can just go back to normal, if you do not feel the same. Or maybe Shield would take me in-"

In an instant, a hand lifted her chin, causing their eyes to meet once more. "Don't talk like that, Kitten. I would never want you to leave." Loki paused, letting his words sink in. They were mere inches away from each other now, close enough she could see every detail within his eyes. With every word her ears perked up. "You are my whole world."

She held her breath, not wanting to push the topic, but still wanting- needing an answer. "Does that mean you love me?" Kit whispered, barely breathing out the words.

He smiled. "Yes, Kitten. More than anything."


Loki leaned down, his lips heading towards her own. He paused just before they met.

"May I?"

Kit smiled giddily, stepping up on her tiptoes to close the gap. And crash her lips against Loki's. His hands quickly found her hips, resting just above them to keep the pair balanced.

His lips were crisp and cold, but more gentle and caring than she imagined. They caressed her own with a slow passion, which she attempted to replicate. A moment passed, and he pulled away slowly, delicately breaking the lock of lips, and leaving her wanting more.

The widest smile spread across her face, and when Kit looked up, she saw the same one across Loki's. She breathed heavily, not having realised in the moment how much it took her breath away.

"I liked that." Kit whispered, looking up hopefully.

"I'll have to remember that." Loki smiled, bringing up a hand to caress her cheek before dropping off her chin. It sent chills down her spine.

Without even really meaning to, their faces grew closer until the gap closed once again. This time her hands found his shoulders, trailing behind his head into the nest of his hair. It helped her keep balance, let alone cause them to grow close enough that the gap reappeared, this time only wide enough for Loki to slip his tongue within her mouth.

Surprised, Kit pulled away. Her arms still hung off his shoulders, just enough space between them to have a reasonable conversation.

A confused look crossed Loki's face. "Was that too far?"

"I- I was just surprised." The Kitten blushed furiously, "This is only my second kiss."

Loki's eyebrows rose in surprise. "When was your first?"

Kit giggled at his antics. Whether he meant them or not. "A few seconds ago." This brought out a smile on his face. "And... I would like a third?"

"Would you?" He smirked, leaning back down. Their lips met softly, slowly increasing in passion until they found where they broke off last time. She felt his tongue ask for entrance, which she allowed freely.


So they stood there, kissing and breaking apart only for just enough air to continue. No one found them, and if they were seen, no one dared interrupt them.

Some time later, Loki pulled away for the last time, kissing the top of Kit's head. "I think the team might come looking for us soon."

"Let them." Kit smirked, sneaking a chaste kiss.

"We might be found."

This time she pulled away, puzzled. "Why should we keep our relationship a secret?"

"For... privacy, and-" He stuttered, "Sometimes the team teases too much about matters they are not involved in."

"It bothers you?" If something bothered him, then of course Kit would compromise. She knew enough to realise there must be a give and take. He nodded sheepishly, and Kit cupped his face in her hands. "It will not hurt to keep this a secret for now."

"Thank you, love." He nuzzled against her hand, bringing up his own to grasp her hands.

When Kit heard the word, it took a second to realise the nickname. A smile crept across her face, and she beamed up at him. "We should be heading back, then?"

Loki smiled mischievously. "Soon, Kitten. I think we should finish up here first."

Kit giggled at his antics. She leaned up to meet him as he came down for another kiss.

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