Chapter Fifteen

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(Kit's Pov)

Valentine's day dinner arrived sooner than anyone had been expecting. Tony pulled out all the stops, that being Chinese food to-go from the nearest restaurant. As well as a fancy dessert he claimed to be better than anything he's ever tasted.

"Great feast, Tony." Clint chuckled, as the team sat around the dining room table. The team was giving him a hard time for it, although Kit could tell it was good-mannered. The food dished out included a number of 'specialties' and 'favorites' of both the restaurant and the team, although Kit had a hard time deciding why. Out of all the containers on the table, really only the 'noodle' one she liked.

"How else would you like to end Valentine's day?" Stark asked, before looking around towards each of them for the answer. "With some romance and cr-" He choked on his words, glancing at the glaring Steve. As well as seething Loki.

But Kit undermined their glares, as Natasha seemed suddenly terrified. "Oh! I know that. Romance and crap."

The entire table turned to stare at Kitten, the most wide-eyed shocked expressions glued to their faces. She had been so happy when she said it, finally knowing something to reference.

"How do you know that?" Loki finally asked quietly, in almost a threatening manner. But nearly protective- which quite confused Kit.

One glance at Natasha and she knew not to say anything. Nat would've gotten in so much trouble.

"I... heard it." She swallowed another bite of noodles, although only after picking all the green bits out. Kitten tried to calm her nerves, although failing miserably under the team's scrutinizing eyes.

"From who?" This time Nat asked, sparking confusion in Kit. Why was she asking the questions? She had said it. What Kit failed to consider, was how many situations Natasha had done this exact flip situation in.

After a nod of approval, Kit answered. "You?"

"Natasha!" Clint scolded, though the only response he got was a smirk.

"Nat, you foul-mouthed, dirty sayings, sweet talker. How could you?" Tony murmured, knowing better than to say that many opportunities of offense out loud. All it took was one of those and he might be defenestrated.

When Kit wasn't present, of course.

"What'd you say?" She turned to Tony, batting her eyelashes.


"I thought so."

"What is going on?" Kit turned to Loki, suddenly confused how the topics changed so quickly. "Is she in trouble?"

It could've been the concern in her voice, or perhaps just the genuine innocence of it, but when she asked that question Loki couldn't help but let his anger dissipate. It was impossible to even attempt to hold onto any semblance of such an emotion. "Nothing, Kitten. Absolutely nothing."

Kit shrugged, returning to her meal. Until she realised how perfect a time it would be to implement her plan.

"Oh! All of you wait right here. I have a surprise." Kit wiped her mouth on a napkin, scooching her chair back, before running off towards the elevator. After her outburst, the team looked amongst themselves for what could possibly be her surprise.

Moments later she returned, holding a collection of items leftover from the crafts earlier that day. "I'm back!"

"Well, what is it?" Bruce asked, as she held up seven bracelets. One was already on her wrist, yellow and blue. Like her eyes. And green, for some unspeakable reason.

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