Chapter Twenty Eight

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(A/N: I know it's short, I'm sorry! Also, why is it that there are meatloaf recipes that include literally ANY spice you type into a searchbar??? Thanks for reading!)

(Kit's Pov)

The following days continued as if nothing ever went wrong. And slowly a feeling of safety returned to the tower, with no major attacks occurring. Nonetheless Natasha continued to train Kit, even to the point that she could throw a few punches now. Maybe not win in a fight, but at least manage to get to safety in an unfavorable situation.

It was at one such of these lessons that Kit approached Natasha a bit earlier than scheduled. After her talk with Loki, it seemed the circumstances of their relationship were changing. Kit never expected Loki to respond to her question so... appalled, by the notion of involvement. But when she tried to research the topic on her own, and perhaps with some help from Jarvis, she only came to the conclusion he was appalled by the mere notion of being together.

At all. To even be involved as friends.

And yet he appeared to be enjoying her company; whether they sat on opposite sides of the room or figured out the wonders of technology together. It bewildered her as to what he really could've been thinking.

"Nat?" Kit called, as she entered the arena looking for her favorite warrior woman. And despite these feelings of attachment, she even managed to convince Loki to stay behind. "Are you here?"

Natasha stepped out from behind a still swinging punching bag across the room. "You're early, Kit."

"I know." Kit bounded over, sitting on a stool beside her. "But I wanted to talk before our lesson."

"Alright," Nat resumed her own workout, although still sparing glances towards Kit. "What's on your mind?"

She sighed. How to explain the circumstances, these feelings, the words- let alone form it into a question? "What does it mean to be involved?"

Nat stopped mid punch, barely managing to catch the bag before it hit her in the face. She glanced suspiciously at Kit. "Involved in what way?"

Kit's ears perked up. "There's more than one?"

"There are. When you're involved with someone, it means you're in some form of a relationship with them."

"Like... romance?"

"Or just friendship." She paused, waiting to see if Kit had a question. Or perhaps if she even understood her meaning. "It's when you're a part of something. Involved in it, or them. Sometimes it's used in business, between acquaintances, crimes- anything really."

Kit weighed her words, obviously ignoring Natasha as she attempted to read her mind through staring. "Then why is romance different from friendship?" By Loki's definition, romance was when you were involved with someone. But if you could be involved in friendship with someone, then why would he say they weren't? Were they not friends anymore? What changed? What-

"It's more than just friendship, Kit." Natasha sighed, bringing Kit out of her thought spiral. "Friendship is when you love someone in a friendly way. A brother or sistership, instead of romantically. But when it's romantic, you love them like a partner. More... feelings, than you would have for just a friend."

For a moment Kit remained silent, letting Natasha resume her training. Though by now she had caught her full attention. "But... how would someone know if the feelings were different? How does it feel?"

Natasha shrugged. "It's different for everybody. Sometimes you just know, and sometimes it'll take a while to realise." Kit sighed, as Natasha removed her gloves. "While you think about that, let's start. Some fighting might clear your mind."


It didn't. Fighting with Natasha left Kit feeling exhausted, even more so with her mind under this stress. At least she knew that Loki was most likely still her friend, although with this new knowledge Kit began to doubt how she viewed the relationship. Loki's always been a friend to her, and yet when she compared how she felt towards him and the others... the mere thought that he might be more gave her fluttery feelings inside. But a romantic relationship? She didn't have the first clue as to what that really meant.

"Kit? Is something wrong?" Clint called, breaking her out of her thoughts. He and Steve were trying to teach her how to make meatloaf, although in a way it would still be edible afterwards.

"Hm?" Kit perked up, attempting to focus on what the others were doing and saying. What steps and ingredients and... other stuff. But still her mind was drawn to the matter of what exactly defined 'friend' status versus 'romance'. How should she know how to recognise these 'extra' feelings that Natasha described? Were the flutters these feelings? If so, would this affect their friendship in any way now? How would she know-

"You seem awfully distracted today, Kitten." Loki said from his perch at the kitchen bar, watching as she struggled learning these culinary skills. He was always near her now- before- always, really. In some way or another. More than the efforts the others made. If he made the choice to constantly accompany her, did that mean he had other feelings as well? Feelings towards more than just... friends?

"Nothing is wrong." Kit smiled, attempting to cover up her spaced-out session. She picked up the nearest seasoning, turning to Steve. "Does this go in?"

Steve sighed, although somewhat sympathetically. "Kit, those are chocolate flakes."

"Oh." She double checked what she was holding before realising that yes, what she was holding was none other than curly chocolate flakes. "Is that not good?"

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