Chapter Nine

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(Kit's Pov)

The days leading up to the party could be described as no less than chaotic. And crazy, messy, loud, and packed with things to do. While the team prepared the room for the event, Kit worked extra hard learning both new words and manners. What people 'normally' do, act, say- she tried to learn it all.

Of course this became difficult when it came to things like dancing, or even deciding on what to choose from a menu. Neither Kitten nor robot knew how to do either, and no matter how many videos Jarvis searched he couldn't give her advice on it.

The team, completely unaware of her plan, spent nearly as many late nights as she did. Mixed with some early mornings, and the day before no one could do anything but rest. Planning an event for over a thousand people tended to do that.

Over 1000 people, and she was going to be human in front of all of them. It had been nerve wracking with just Loki- and that was when he wouldn't even remember. Now a thousand people were going to know she was there, and know she lived there.

"Kit?" Jarvis called during their last night of prep, shaking Kit from her thoughts. She had to attend the press meeting the next day, although no plans had been made to bring her to the party yet. She assumed the team wasn't planning on it, thus having to go there alone. And hopefully not faint from nerves.

"Yes?" She answered, blinking away any anxiety she had. There were still so many things they hadn't gone over- like how to use a phone, or write- although Jarvis made sure she knew the basics. Conversation starters, compliments, what to do if someone complimented her-

Although he couldn't prepare her for what to expect. Not really.

"Your heart rate increased, are you nervous?"

She took a shaky breath, followed by a steadier one. "A little bit."

"You've learned so much, I am sure you're going to be fine." He attempted to reassure her, like any friend would. The two of them had gotten close over the days and late hours, Kit being the first person the AI actually dropped formalities for. "You should get some rest, you have a very big day tomorrow."

"I know... One more review." She wanted to be as prepared as she could, even if she was a tad more exhausted as she probably should be. But luckily Kit would only have to rest tomorrow, since Jarvis was taking care of everything. He had even ordered a dress she could wear, promising to unveil it before the party.

They reviewed a final time, ending with Kit heading back upstairs. The party was now a mere day away, and hopefully it would be perfect.


"Kit needs a bath." That dreaded word. Bath. The team were all sitting around the common room, Natasha being the one to suggest such a terrifying idea. "Don't you, Kit? You need to be all fresh and clean for us to show you off to the world."

Tony had to stifle a laugh when Nat baby-talked to the cat, and again when she left with Kit struggling in her arms. Well, this would be interesting, to say the least.

And it was. Nat not only gave Kit a bath, but also decided to use a blow dryer to dry her fur. Which was loud and so warm even on the coolest setting. In the end she looked like a very fluffy goblin. And she smelled strange, whatever cat soap she had used smelling too flowery for her.

The only slightly nice thing about the experience was all the attention she was receiving, and she couldn't deny it felt nice to have any extra oils or loose fur massaged from her back.

"Miss Romanoff, Mr. Stark would like me to remind you there is 30 minutes remaining until the start of the press conference."

"Thanks, J." Nat said, finishing drying the kitten. "All done. Kit, you look great." Kit rolled her eyes, trotting away from Natasha and her watery trap. She would never take another bath again if she could help it.

"Kit- Oh, there you are." Clint stopped her from escaping, peeking his head from the doorway. "Everyone's waiting for you." He scooped her up, booping her nose as he did so. She squirmed, although eventually just flopping over dramatically like there were no bones in her body. "You're so dramatic."

Kit huffed in reply, as they headed towards all the people.


The press conference went smoothly enough, Fury and then Tony speaking about how much Loki had done for the team, how he was reformed, how New York wasn't his fault, and everything else that had happened. They briefly talked about Kit, although not much was said other than the Avengers were taking care of her now.

Afterwards, the team, press, and everyone else invited headed up to the party room. Kit was dropped off on the common room floor by Bruce, who had forgotten something and was heading back up there anyway to grab it.

The moment he left, Kit got to work. She transformed into her human form in an instant, and followed Jarvis's instructions towards her dress. She ended up in the kitchen, finding a shallow but long box on the counter. It was just a white cardboard, although pristine-looking enough she felt like this was the fanciest dress money could buy.

When she lifted the lid to peek inside, Kit found herself peeking at a beautifully woven green dress, with a single shoulder and a high neckline. It flowed at an angle, the bottom half much flowy-er than the rest, the shoulder having a matching waviness to it. It seemed every corner of the dress was engraved with golden trails leading throughout the rest of it, and what she could only describe as a belt being a matching gold as well.

"It's beautiful, Jarvis!" Kit exclaimed, lifting it out of its box. She found a pair of shoes at the bottom, and luckily they had no heels. "Thank you muchly!"

"Of course, Miss." She could almost hear him smile back, if it was possible for an AI to do so.

With a blink of an eye, the dress and matching golden shoes were draped across her perfectly. It was strange to be wearing something even only this flattering, although she found herself admiring how she looked in the nearest kitchen reflection.

She quickly styled her hair the same way she had seen Nat in earlier, and she was ready.

"This is a bad idea." Kit muttered in the elevator, already almost to the party. "They are going to hate me."

"They are not going to hate you, Miss Kit." With all the formalities today, it seemed her friend had taken it up again. "Be yourself, and they will love you." When Kit was still wringing her hands with anxiety, Jarvis pressed further. "There's nothing to be nervous about. You are doing nothing wrong, and nothing is going to go wrong."

"I know, I know." Kit took a deep breath, as the elevator stopped.

"Good luck."

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