Chapter Seventeen

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(Loki's Pov)

Despite Loki's hopes and theories about how excited Kit might be about his gift, she never appeared the following day. Not coming to breakfast was unusual, although excusable. But remaining lost through the other activities and meals of the day? Kit had never done such a thing before. Of course none of the others cared, going about their business like it was any other day.

But Loki couldn't stop thinking about what might've stalled her. Did she not like his gift? Had it been too much too soon? Perhaps she mistook it for anything but the show of friendship it was. But it hadn't been that different, surely, friends exchanged gifts all the time. She had even given him one earlier that day.

So why had she still not left her room?

When Kit missed breakfast the second day, Loki's worry evolved into concern. Had she gone missing? Why? And how did none of the others notice? Or give a single crap?

At the end of breakfast, he decided to bring this up.

"Where's Kit?" He glanced between all their startled faces, either from his tone or the interruption. Whatever feeble topic they were discussing could be postponed.

"In her room." Clint shrugged indifferently, as the conversation resumed.

"She has not left for two days." Loki pushed on, "Does it not concern you?"

"There's not exactly anything we can do about it." Bruce muttered, his words only confusing Loki more.

"Have you tried anything?"

"No, and we don't want to." Tony said, glancing at the doorway briefly. As if someone would come in and defenestrate him for merely talking about it. "We're not allowed near her room."

"Whatever for?" Now there was definitely something suspicious. Kit always wanted to be as social as possible, at least more than Loki found could ever be comfortable.

They looked amongst themselves, voting silently who would say something. Apparently Thor lost.

"She's having..." under Loki's inquisitive glare, the words died out on his tongue. "She'll be fine in a week."

The moment the words left his mouth, Thor knew that was the wrong thing to say. A look crossed Loki's eyes, confused, concerned, fearful, offended, and accusing all in one. Before he rushed off towards just that place they said to not go.

Tony sighed. "Well, it's his funeral."


(Kit's Pov)

Last night Kit thought her heat was done. Almost. The pain had subsided tenfold, allowing her to relax comfortably in whatever position she wanted. Lounging across the bed seemed perfect, of course. She had been fidgeting with the necklace she received from Loki, slipping it on a few times to see how it fit.

That was last night. When Kit awoke this morning, now two days into her heat, the position she found herself sleeping in caused a cramp just from lying there. She sat up, reaching towards her toes in hopes it might ease the pain.

When it did, she sighed in relief. Until someone knocked on her door.

Natasha most likely. With breakfast yet again, and today Kitten actually felt well enough to eat it. And enjoy tasty food on her tongue.

Kit skipped over to the door, twisting the handle and opening it wide. She could smell the faint scent of bacon, enough to convince her there was a fair chance of breakfast on the other side.

Except she failed to realise how faint the scent was, just a lingering waft from the knocker's earlier meal. There was no Natasha with breakfast.

Instead, Loki stood at the doorway, gazing down at her with mix of concern and worry. Very tall, handsome, emerald-eyed with that smile playing on his lips, hands neatly folded in front of him, Loki.

Oh no.

And of course her feline instincts decided this was the perfect moment to pump her body full of hormones, as she noticed exactly how much male he is.

If Kit could curse, this is when it would happen. This was bad. Very bad. The good feeling of last night and this morning flew off and out of reach, as a deep pain and need settled in her gut.

Well, not quite there. A bit south. A knot tied itself in her lower abdomen, waiting for an opportunity.

"Loki." She whispered, fighting whether to snap the door close or not. It would be rude, but most likely completely necessary in this situation. She needed to be safe in her locked room, not staring down a tall and handsome man.

Not helping brain.

"Hello, Kit." Oh that accent. The concern in his voice, so gentle. "You didn't show yesterday or this morning, I was wondering if you are okay?"

No. She's not. Not in the slightest bit. And you staying here isn't helping.

But part of her didn't want him to leave. She wanted him to stay, to hug him close and never let go. But not as friends, as...


"Loki." A voice snapped from down the hall, the noise of utensils being set down shaking Kit from her thoughts.

Natasha. She could help her out of this embarrassing situation.

"You need to move back." She commanded him, as Loki sent a glare her way. But not quite a menacing look, rather slightly protective.

Why was he being protective? Was he protecting her? From Nat? It may be completely unreasonable, yet a voice inside Kit shouted for this to continue. To let him protect her.

But that would be unreasonable.

They were friends.

Nothing more.

He probably wasn't truly even interested in her. Not when without influence.

"Why?" Loki challenged, and Kit forced her right mind to take over. No, Loki wasn't hers. She had to stop even considering of thinking of him that way.

Nat raised her eyebrows, glancing briefly towards Kit. It seemed to steady her somehow, knowing the best way to handle the situation. "Because I said so."

"I have done nothing-"

"Loki stop." Kit spoke up, before the tensions could escalate. "You are not helping. I will be normal again soon, but not right now."

For a moment his mouth simply opened and closed, as he thought of what to say.

Natasha walked forward, stepping past the blubbering Loki and into Kit's room to set down the tray. She turned back towards the door. "Kit will see you at the end of the week. Until then, please don't come back." With a quick smile of politeness, Nat pulled Kit inside to close the door.

"You okay Kit?" She asked, looking her over for a second.

"Yes." Kitten replied, before realising her mistake. "No- why is Loki so different from the others?"

"He's asgardian?" Nat joked, before realising that wasn't helping anything. "Different how?"

"I feel more weird with him than with the others." Kit sighed dramatically. "I was feeling better until he visited."

"Well luckily this will all be over soon." Natasha assured her, before handing her breakfast.

"I know." Kit stared at the meal in front of her, attempting to find some form of a balance again. "Thanks Nat. For everything."

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