Chapter Forty-One

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(A/N: So a few days turned into 2 months... I'm so sorry!!! But here's another cliffhanger. Thanks for reading!)

(Kit's Pov)

The skies darkened and evening started drawing near. What were once golden rays of sunlight began to cast long shadows over the field, the gentle breeze turned chilly during the late daylight hours.

"So where are we?" Kit asked, as each of the couple sat on the blanket. Watching as the sun set on the horizon, undisturbed by anything more than the steady chirping of birds or the scurry of small animals. "How did you find this place?"

"Somewhere in... Canada- I think that's what Midgardians call it." Loki explained, "As for how I found our spot, that is my secret."

Kit gasped in mocked surprise. "You won't even tell me?"

"I will tell you everything. Except this." His arm reached around her as the Kitten cuddled close. When the wind picked up, Loki summoned his jacket that she's grown so attached to. "If you knew how I found these places, it would take away the magic."

"Everything is magical with you." She smiled, turning to look back at the sky. Watching as colors blurred together in intricate displays. But something nagged at her mind. "Loki?"

"Yes, love?" The nickname warmed her heart as always, as she curled closer.

"I don't think the team is going to like our excuses anymore." She glanced up, meeting a familiar spark from mischief's eyes. "What are we going to tell them?"

"The truth. It's about time they knew." Loki laughed lightly, "As long as you're okay with that."

Kit smiled, pecking his lips. "Of course! They will be so happy for us." She could hear Loki's hum of amusement, as they leaned back to stargaze. Held in each others' arms, looking up into the sky as if it were made solely for this moment. For them.

As the night dragged on, inevitably the cold started seeping through Loki's jacket. The darkness was battled with magic fireflies, until even they started to blend into the night. Cuddled so close to her love, Kit barely noticed how the dark sky muddled with the dark of her eyelids and back again. Until arms picked up her sleepy form.

"Oh! What is going on?" She glanced over to her kidnapper, finding a loveable Loki there instead.

"I'm sorry to wake you, darling." He smiled, shifting his grasp to better suit a conversation. "I just thought you might want to sleep at the tower instead."

Kit leaned her head against Loki's shoulder, stifling a yawn. "That sounds like a good idea."

With one last kiss on the head, a green mist engulfed the couple, as Kit's room materialized around them. Loki set her on the bed, sitting beside her.

"This was so much fun." Kit smiled, as she leaned against Loki's shoulder. He ran a hand through her hair, as they stole these last fleeting moments before their date ended. Or, was it technically over since they were back at the tower now?

"I'm glad you liked it." Loki kissed her cheek, surprised when Kit stole a real kiss instead. Their goodbye put off as the kiss deepened. Nothing existed but this moment, this perfect night together. The innocent love shared between each break for air and whispered 'I love you's.

The goodbye never came, even when there were no more marks to be hidden magically in the morning. When the evening turned to cuddles, Kit fumbled over a question. "Loki?"

"Yes?" She was curled in his arms, as they tried to fight off sleep. To hold every moment spent together close and never let go.

"Stay. Please." Kit murmured, "For warmth."

Loki chuckled. "Darling, I'm a frost giant. I have no warmth."

Kit opened her eyes, peering up at the cold body she clung to. "Not that kind. Warmth from a lonely type of cold."

Her pillow laughed, sweeping a hand through her hair. Pulling her close. "Of course, love. I'm always here for you."

A warm feeling erupted within her at his words, as they stayed in bed. Side by side, wrapped in each others' arms. Never a goodbye, but rather, goodnight.


(Loki's Pov)




What now?

Shuffling outside the door awoke the prince, as Loki pried his eyes open. Why must waking up exist? Mornings were far by the worst time of the-

His arm caught the side of a person, as last night replayed in his mind. Eyes catching on the sleepy face of Kit.

Mornings are the best time of day. Loki smiled down at his love, almost forgetting what had woken him up in the first place. Until another round of knocking came, this time louder than the last. Kit stirred, as Loki rushed to quiet her. "Relax, love. I'll see what the team wants." He kissed her forehead, barely catching the muttered 'thank you' bubble from her lips.

Loki pried away his arms, standing to greet the others. Magic-ing away any proof of last night, whether it be the messy hair or a fading mark in that one spot Kit found. He shivered from the ghost of the sensation, vanishing the thoughts as well so as to meet the Avengers in good spirits.

When he opened the door, suddenly it was probably a bad idea to be in a good mood. "Loki! Where the hell is Kit!" Tony started the bombardment of questions, as Loki quickly stepped outside the room. Whatever happened to letting sleeping kittens lie?

"She's fine, in her room." The trickster tried to reassure them, only agitating them further. Apparently that was not the right answer.

"Where you just were?" Natasha snapped, "I should kick your ass right now-"

When the assassin stepped forward, Thor placed a wary hand before her. Simply a sign to rethink her actions, not at all an actual hindrance. "What were you doing in Lady Kit's room?" His brother asked, the implication of Lady not failing to bestow the respect upon him. The other Avengers watched on for his reaction.

"I haven't done anything, if that's what you're implying." Loki snapped back, as their moods only soured. "By gods- it was just a game! We're back, and no one was hurt."

"Harm or not, you kidnapped an Avenger." Steve spoke up, drawing a scoff from the prince. "Loki, you're under arrest."

Well... this wasn't good.

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