Chapter 29

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Easton did what I asked and drove me home without any questions. I knew she had kissed him and that he had probably kissed her back. He and I weren't a couple, but it still hurt all the same. I had one more week to get through this, then I could cut him free, and he could be with Savannah or whoever. I was delusional to think that he was starting to like me. I needed to keep my head on straight and remember this was for the sole reason to get rid of Aaron, nothing more. 

"Thank you for dinner and coffee. I better get inside. Bye." I got out of the car before he could say anything. 

"Chelsi, wait. Can I call you tomorrow?" 

Again, not one of my brighter moments. "Why? So, Savannah can show up again?" I turned around and started walking to my house. 

I closed the door, not looking back at him. I was probably harder on him for something that wasn't his fault. But he kissed her, knowing I was outside in the car waiting on him. I wasn't going to go through that again. He was just like Aaron, one girl on one arm and leading another one along. Well, I wasn't going to be that other girl. I stepped to the side of the door where he couldn't see me, but I could still peek out the window. After a few minutes, he finally drove off, squealing his tires slightly. I know; I probably hurt him, but he had no idea how much he hurt me, not realizing it. 

I was just grateful Mom and Dad weren't home yet, and I could cry in peace for a little bit. Then, I went to the kitchen to get a glass of juice before heading upstairs to text Blakely. The minute she got my text, I knew she would come over and stay the night. I was so sure of it; I didn't wait until I got upstairs to text her; right on queue, she answered me back, saying she was on her way over. 

I went upstairs to clean off my makeup and change into my pj's so that Blakely and I could talk when she arrived. I wiped a few tears away while I cleaned my makeup off, and I knew I had no right to be so upset. It still hurt like hell, though, because he made me think that he liked me.

My foot hit the bottom stair when Blakely knocked on the front door. I unlocked the door and walked into the kitchen to get us something to drink while we talked. 

"What happened?" 

I walked around the island and grabbed two glasses out of the cabinet, trying to keep my face hidden for a few more minutes, then grabbed the sweet tea out of the refrigerator. 

"Chelsi, I know you've been crying, so you can stop trying to hide your face from me." 

I sighed. "I could never hide anything from you." I turned around to pour the tea. "Tonight started out great and ended in disaster." 

"What happened?" Blakely took a glass. 

"He took me to the new restaurant Trevor's for dinner. The food was amazing, by the way. He didn't want to take me home, so we went to his parent's coffee shop, and that is when the night went to hell." I walked around the island and motioned to head up to my room. I didn't want my parents to come home and see me upset. I didn't feel like answering any questions tonight. Blakely grabbed her bag, and we headed up to my room. Blakely quickly changed into her pajamas, scooted up on the bed, and then asked me what happened. 

"Easton was being so sweet and told me that he liked being with me because I wasn't like the other girls at school. Then, that is when Savannah showed up at Lilli's." 

"What the fuck! That bitch!" She got up off the bed, pacing back and forth. "Wait a minute...How in the hell did she know you both were there to begin with?" She turned around, placing her hand on her hip. 

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