Chapter 15

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I kept watching the clock in Spanish, trying to pay attention to Mrs. Bailey go over what would be on the test. The second hand on the clock ticked away slower and slower with each passing second. Even though I couldn't hear the clicks, they echoed in my head.

I was up and out the door the minute the bell rang for lunch. I knew I would get talked to tomorrow for the way I left class, but I didn't care. I had to get to Blakely before we ran into Easton at lunch. I wanted to fill her in on what happened after she left Math class. I made a mad dash to her locker, hoping to catch her, but she was nowhere in sight. I stood there, turning my head every few seconds in different directions, hoping to see her come walking up any minute. I glanced down at my watch, realizing I only had a matter of minutes to make it across the school to the cafeteria before I ran into Easton. I had to push my way through a few crowds of kids, taking up residence in the middle of the halls.

I could see the back of her springy curls bouncing as she walked toward the doors to the cafeteria. Even though I'd look like an idiot, I took off running, yelling her name.

"Hey, Chels. Everything okay?" She asked, looking puzzled.

I proceeded to tell her what happened but had to stop when I saw Easton walking up behind her. "What are you two talking about?" Easton asked.

"Nothing," I said before Blakely could say anything.

"Oh, okay. Well, anyway, I came to walk you into the cafeteria. If we are going to act like we are together, we might as well give them a good show," He said, opening the door for us.

Blakely smiled, walking in first, and I quickly followed, pausing right inside the cafeteria. Easton walked in, smiling down at me. I couldn't help but smile, knowing full well this whole charade was fake. I looked straight ahead to follow Blakely to our table and couldn't help but notice eyes were starting to follow us as we walked past. Once the eyes were on us, the whispering began. They didn't try to hide it either. You'd think they would've at least tried to hide the fact they were talking about us. I got so preoccupied with the stares and whispers that I forgot to look over at Aaron to see his reaction. I'm sure it was one of confusion mixed with disgust.

The main reason I broke up with Aaron was for the mere fact he repeatedly cheated on me. Afterward, he would give me the same old sob story of how sorry he was and that he'd never do it again. That would last for a week or two, sometimes a month. This past time, he had the nerve to say I couldn't survive without him. He said I'd be calling him within the week. Well, the joke was on him; it's been almost a month now.

I glanced over at his table; sure enough, he was sitting there, glaring at us. Emily was sitting beside him, talking away and not paying attention to him. She'd be in his lap if she sat any closer to him. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of her long, curly blonde hair. It hung in perfect ringlets without an ounce of frizz. It made me want to walk over and shave her damn head.

Easton sat down to my right while Blakely sat on the other side. I sat there, trying not to look around too much. After a few minutes, I got up out of my chair. Blakely asked me where I was going, and I told her I wanted to check out the salad bar. I wasn't hungry, but I couldn't handle everyone gawking at us and whispering.

I grabbed a bowl from the end of the salad bar and strolled around it, deciding on what veggies I wanted to snack on. Not paying attention to where I was walking, I bumped into someone. I started apologizing before even seeing who I'd bumped into.

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