Chapter 45

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Blakely was still in her car when I pulled into the school parking lot the next morning. So I had to park a few cars over from her. I texted her that I had just parked, that I would be over to her car in a few minutes, and that I had to tell her something important. I turned around to grab my book bag, and Blakely was at my driver's side door. 

"Hurry up!" She hollered. 

"That was fast." I laughed. 

"Bitch, stop leaving me in suspense." 

I got out of the car, locked it, and looked around to make sure Gavin wasn't anywhere around us. "Gavin's picking me up tonight at seven and taking me back to the pier so we can ride the Ferris wheel." 

Blakely glanced over at me, smiling, then looked straight ahead without saying a word in response to what I'd just told her. I peeked over at her several times, figuring out what she meant by the smile. I had a pretty good idea, but she was wrong; Gavin had no interest in me that way; we were just friends. Blakely was definitely wrong this time, and I would prove it. What if she wasn't wrong about Gavin?  

"Chelsi! Blakely! Wait up!" Gavin yelled our names off in the distance. We were a few steps from the front of the school, but we stopped and waited for Gavin to catch up with us. He had on tight jeans and a dark grey, long-sleeved, button-down shirt. "Thanks for waiting." He smiled. 

"You're welcome." Blakely and I both said at the same time. 

"Tomorrow's the big party at Avery's. Do you want me to pick you both up?" Gavin asked as we walked into the school. 

"Okay. Blakely's going to be staying at my house. My parents are going to be gone until late, as usual. Sam's going to a friend's house. And Blakely doesn't have to worry about what time to be home." 

"Thanks," She sighed, glaring over at me. 


"Chelsi explained everything one day. I get it." Gavin smiled. 

Blakely's scowl brightened, and the corners of her mouth started to curl into a smile the more we talked about tomorrow night. He told us what time he would probably pick us up for the party so we'd be ready on time. Gavin took off down the hall toward his locker, and I couldn't help but admire how nice his ass looked in the tight jeans. 

"Do I need to go find you a bib?" Blakely laughed 


"You got drool rolling down your chin." She wiped at her chin, laughing. 

"You're funny." I narrowed my eyes. 

"I thought it was pretty funny." She was trying hard not to laugh as a few giggles escaped. "Just admit you like him already." She smiled.

"I don't like him. We're just friends." I turned and started walking down the hall toward my locker.

"Keep telling yourself that," Blakely said, trailing a few steps behind me through the hall. 

I went straight to my locker and swapped out my books while Blakely did the same, and then we headed to English class. Unfortunately, English class had become my most dreaded class of the day, not because of the subject but because of who was in the class. I used to love English; now, it was the bane of my existence. The minute I walked through the doorway, Easton would be asked to either talk to me or stare at me like a little lost puppy. Neither of which made me feel comfortable in class for an hour. I tried pretending he wasn't even there, which didn't work because I'd eventually find myself sneaking glances over at him. I thought about asking to switch classes, but that would screw up the rest of my day. So, it didn't matter how I went about correcting the problem. In the end, I still came up getting screwed. 

I let Blakely walk into class first so I could somewhat hide behind her on our way to our desks. Not, like it made a difference, seeing we sat close to Easton. Sure enough, he was at his desk already, looking hot in his jeans and a button-down shirt. Why couldn't he come to school looking like utter shit one day so it would be easy to be mad at him? I sat down in my seat, trying to act like I wasn't paying attention to him, and maybe...just maybe, he'd get the hint and not say anything to me before Mr. Scott came in to start class. 

"Psst Chelsi, Chelsi. I need to talk to you." Easton said from his desk. "Please turn around." 

I sat there looking up at the ceiling tiles, fighting the urge to turn around, while Blakely told me not to turn around close to my left ear. The more she told me not to turn around, the more I wanted to turn around, so she wasn't helping me a lot at the moment. 

I couldn't fight it any longer and looked over my shoulder back at Easton. "What do you want?" Trying to sound indifferent. 

"Can you talk later today after school?" 

"Don't you have practice today?" 

"Yeah, but I was wondering if we could talk after practice. I could come by your house." 

"I don't think that's a good idea. First, I have homework; then, I'm going out with Gavin later tonight." 

"You're going out with Gavin tonight?" He said. I could see the pain in his eyes as he said the words.

"All right, class, time to quiet down and open your books to where we last left off," Mr. Scott said. 

Easton eased back in his chair, not saying another word to me. Instead, he opened his book and notebook. His eyes shifted toward the front of the classroom. I slowly turned my back around and took out my book and notebook before Mr. Scott scolded me for being unprepared. I couldn't believe how fast my life had spun out of control, and the more I tried to fix it, the worse it got. 

Thankfully, Mr. Scott kept us busy taking down lots of notes for a test coming up next week, so I couldn't sneak glances back at Easton or have time to think about anything else. So, it was a nice break from thinking about everything. But then, I noticed the time on the clock above the board that the bell would be ringing in a few minutes. So, I closed my book and notebook and put them in my bookbag because I wanted to leave the minute the bell rang before Easton could talk to me again. Blakely followed my lead and started to put her books away so she could jump up and follow me out the door. 

The minute the bell rang, we jumped out of our seats, and the fourth and fifth ones were out the door. We didn't turn around as we walked down the hall toward our lockers. I was waiting for Blakely to say something to me about Easton, but she didn't say a word. I knew she would eventually, though. It would be along the lines of...."What are you doing, Chelsi?" 

That's the thing. I had no idea what I was doing anymore. One minute, I want to be with Gavin, and the next minute, I want to give Easton another chance, even after all that's happened. So, yeah, I had no idea what I was doing. 

Author's Notes:

Poor Chelsi seems so confused about who she wants to be with. 

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