Chapter 16

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We got home to Mom, getting ready to put a faithful casserole in the oven. I could lie and say we'd eat it later, or I could come clean and tell her Blakely was bringing cheeseburgers and fries over later. Either way, it wasn't going to be pleasant.

"Hey! How was school? I just put the casserole in the oven for you and Sam tonight." Mom said, closing the oven door.

"Um..." I paused, opening the refrigerator door, trying not to make eye contact with her. Even though I couldn't see her expression, I knew it was one of disappointment. "Blakely is bringing dinner later," I mumbled into the refrigerator.

"That's fine." She sounded cheerful.

I closed the door, turning to look at her. She was standing there smiling, not bothered by the fact we weren't eating the casserole. I proceeded to walk over to the cabinet to get a glass. "You sure you don't mind?" I managed to spit the words out. Again, still avoiding eye contact.

"Chelsi, why would I mind? I know you girls get tired of eating casseroles pretty much all week long. I'm glad Blakely's coming over later with food. Let me guess. Cheeseburgers and fries."

"Yes." I peeked around the cabinet door. "Sam and I will eat the casserole tomorrow night."

Mom talked to me for a few more minutes, then disappeared up the stairs to start getting ready for wherever she and Dad were going tonight. I walked into the family room, set my glass down on a coaster, and remembered I had left my bookbag by the front door. I didn't feel like going upstairs to study, knowing Blakely would be over later with food. I got everything situated and was about to start studying when Mom and Dad came down the stairs, announcing they were getting ready to leave for the evening. Mom looked beautiful as always, dressed in a navy blue wrap-style cocktail dress with nude heels. The color went well with her dark brown hair. Dad was dressed in a black suit.

"Wow, you both look great," I said, turning sideways on the couch."

"Thank you, Chelsi." Mom smiled. "Take the casserole out in forty minutes, and let it cool on the counter. Enjoy your cheeseburgers and fries with Blakely." She smiled and headed toward Dad, who was waiting impatiently for her by the front door.

I waited a few minutes after they left before starting on my homework in case they forgot something. Dad came running back into the house for whatever Mom had forgotten. I had maybe two hours to study before Blakely showed up, so I put my phone out of reach so I wouldn't be tempted to pick it up to watch videos or chat with other friends.

I heard Blakely yelling through the front door for me to open it. I tossed my book to the side, hopping up off the couch. She was right on time, her hands full of drinks and a big bag of food. I took the drink carrier from her, then stepped aside to give her enough room with the food.

I paused for a minute, yelling up the stairs at Sam to let her know the food was here.

"Thanks, Blakely," I said, setting the drink carrier down by the cooling casserole. "I'm so hungry." I reached into the bag, grabbing a fry.

Sam came down within a few minutes, grabbing one of the cups out of the carrier. She took a quick drink and grabbed some paper plates from the pantry. Mom kept them hidden in there, away from Dad. He disapproved of them and didn't like us using them for anything. I could never understand his reasoning for that. Sometimes, I often felt he was too much of a snob. Who cares what kind of plates you use in your own home with just family? She handed us each a paper plate. I asked Blakely if the plates were okay. I knew she wouldn't care, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

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