Chapter 48

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Blakely sat and wrote down a list of names that could have nominated me for homecoming queen while I sat and worked on homework. I laid my books off the side and got off the couch when the timer started going off on the oven, letting me know the casserole was done. I grabbed a potholder off the counter next to the stove, opened the oven door, and pulled the casserole out. I set it on the heat plate on the island and closed the oven door. 

"The famous casserole for dinner," Blakely said, looking over the couch in the family room. 

"Yeah." I rolled my eyes. 

"Do you want me to go get something to eat?" Blakely asked. 

"No. Thank you, though." I walked back around the island. "So, what names have you come up with so far?" I sat back down on the couch. 

She lifted her notebook and started to rattle off names. "Aaron, Easton, Gavin, Natalie, Savannah, Emily, with a question mark by her name. She named a couple of others whose names I wasn't really paying much attention to. 

She was leaning against one arm of the couch, and I was leaning against the other arm of the sofa, with my knees bent, using them as a desk. I peeked over my books at her. "Why in the hell would Aaron nominate me for homecoming queen?" I raised an eyebrow. "It's not like he's a fan of mine." 

"That's the thing. But maybe he did it out of spite. To get enjoyment out of watching you lose, in case you do lose. That sounds like something he would do. Easton is on the list for homecoming king, so maybe he nominated you, thinking you'd win and you two could be together." She dropped the notebook down on the couch and reached for her latte on the table behind us. 

"You think so?" I narrowed my eyes, thinking about what she had just said. 

"If you think about it, it makes perfect sense." 

"I don't think Savannah or Emily nominated me." 

"Okay, we will scratch them off the list."

"What are you two doing?" Sam asked, walking into the kitchen. 

"Making a list of people's names who could've nominated me." 

"You do realize numerous people could've nominated you? You may never find out. Besides, who cares who nominated you? Enjoy it." She got some plates down out of the cabinet. 

"You know, she's right. Who cares who nominated you? Own that bitch and enjoy it." Blakely tore the paper off the notebook and wadded it up. She got up, threw the paper away, and then walked over to find out what casserole Mom had made for us. Knowing Mom, it was something with chicken and veggies. Blakely asked me if I wanted a little bit, but I shook my head no while I went back to finishing up my homework before I had to start getting ready for my date with Gavin. So they sat at the island and ate while I remained over on the couch working, or I should say trying to work on my homework in between thinking about Gavin and Easton. The party was tomorrow, and I needed to decide what to do about the both of them. 

I looked down at my smartwatch and saw it was after five; I closed my books and ran upstairs to wash off my makeup. Blakely was waiting for me in my room, picking out clothes when I got done washing my face. She had a few pairs of jeans on my bed, some with rips and some without any. She started tossing tops onto the bed, too. Finally, after about fifteen minutes, she had me in ripped jeans, a short-sleeved crop top, and white canvas shoes. She sat me down at my vanity table and started to do my makeup for me. Once she was done with it, she started putting my hair up. I told her I wanted to wear it down, and she quickly reminded me what my hair does outside in the evening air. Yeah, I didn't want to be walking around with Gavin, looking like I just stepped out of a Sauna. Not a good look for a date. 

"Blakely, what am I doing?" I looked at her in the mirror. 

She glanced up from my hair for a brief second, then went back to fixing my hair. "You are trying to figure out which guy you like. Easton has some good qualities, but he also has some bad ones. Gavin has been your friend forever, and you are afraid of losing his friendship if this doesn't work out. And, you know someone will get hurt no matter who you choose." She peeked up at me over my hair. 

I hated it when she was right, which was pretty often. She didn't rub it in like most people would, which was another thing I loved about our friendship. On the rare occasion when I would happen to be correct, I never rubbed it in her face, either. That was something we just never did to one another. There was never a point to it. 

"What do you think?" Blakely handed me my small mirror so I could turn my head and see the back of my hair. She had done it up in a bun, with a few strands of hair down around my face. 

"It looks great! Thank you." I smiled. I set my smaller makeup mirror back down on my Vanity table. "What time is it?" I asked, looking down at my smartwatch. "Oh my god, he'll be here in ten minutes!" I flew out of my vanity chair. "How do I look?" I turned around to face Blakely, still standing by my vanity. 

"You look great. Will you calm down, though?" She laughed. 

"What? I am calm." 

"Then, why are you about to leave with your bookbag?" She pointed at my right shoulder, giggling. 

"What?" I looked down at my right shoulder to find my bookbag strap. "Shit!" I took it off and set it in my desk chair. 

"Okay, I'm ready now." I turned to walk out of my room. 


I was halfway down the hall. "What? He's going to be here in a few minutes." 

"Don't you want your purse and phone?" She giggled again. 

"Damn it!" I stormed back into my room. Blakely stood there with her arms stretched out, holding my purse and phone, pressing her lips together. I could see it in her eyes; she would start laughing the minute I turned around. I took my purse and phone from her and headed downstairs so that she could giggle away. I wasn't even at the top of the stairs when she started laughing. I rolled my eyes and began to walk down the stairs. Halfway down the stairs, I glanced out the etched glass of the front door to see Gavin walking up to the porch steps, and my heart started racing; my stomach felt like it was doing somersaults. 

"He looks hot," Blakely said, walking down the stairs. "I'm going to get the door." She walked past me while I stayed frozen on the stairs. Blakely opened the door, inviting Gavin inside.

"Hi, Blakely," Gavin said, walking into the house. 

"Hi." She closed the door behind him. "I need to go get my things from the family room. I'll be right back." She turned and headed down the hall. 

"Hi, Gavin." I walked down the rest of the stairs. 

"Wow...You look great." He smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled. 

"Are you hungry?" He asked. 

"A little bit. I didn't eat with Sam or Blakely earlier. Mom and Dad are gone, so she made one of her famous casseroles." 

"I haven't eaten yet, either. Where would you like to go?" He asked as we waited for Blakely to get her things. 

"You choose." 

"Okay. How about a cheeseburger and fries?" 

"Sounds good. I'm tired of casseroles or anything that resembles them." 

"Sorry, I couldn't find my favorite pen," Blakely said, walking down the hall. 

I yelled at Sam that we were leaving and that I'd be back later. Once we were outside, I turned around and locked the front door since Sam would be home alone. Blakely told me to text her later after I got home as she was getting in her car to leave. Gavin opened the passenger door for me, hurried around the car, and got in. 

"Let's go get something to eat." He smiled as he pulled away from the house. 

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