Chapter 6

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After school, Blakely asked if I had anything planned. I reminded her that I had to take Sam home and probably put another casserole in the oven. I told her she was more than welcome to hang out with Sam and me if she didn't have anything planned. She said she had to go home to make sure there was no family night going on tonight.

Sure enough, when we got home, Mom was preparing another dinner for me to put in the oven before she and Dad left to go wherever they were going tonight.

"Where are you and Dad going for dinner tonight?" I asked, grabbing the bag of grapes from the refrigerator.

"Your dad and I are going to one of the partner's houses for a dinner party. I'm sorry we've been gone so much lately. Hopefully, once they know for sure this company is going to sign with them, things will slow down a little bit." She sighed, covering the top of the dish with foil. This will take almost 90 minutes to cook. Again, I'm sorry." She walked around the island, wrapping her arms around me.

"Do you care if I invite Blakely over later? Well, that is if she doesn't have anything planned?" I asked, easing out of Mom's hug.

"Sure." She smiled, opened the refrigerator door, and placed the baking dish on the shelf. "Anything exciting planned if she's able to come over?" She closed the door, grabbing the kitchen towel off the counter.

"No. We are going to hang out here at the house with Sam." I popped another grape into my mouth.

"Well, you two have fun. I need to go get ready; we have to be there around five this evening." She was out of the kitchen before I had a chance to say anything in return.

Blakely arrived a few minutes after my parents had left for their dinner party. We sat in the family room so I would be close to the oven.

"Chelsi, what's wrong? I know when something is bothering you. Is. It. Aaron?" She stammered.

"That obvious?" I asked, opening the oven door.

"Not really. But I've been your best friend since grade school and know you better than anybody else. I have to admit; he's even been bothering me. What's the point in walking up to you in the lunchroom? You dumped him, not the other way around. Besides, he and Emily deserve one another. They are both players in their own little twisted way," she said, opening the cabinet to get a glass. "Oh! We are making an appearance at Avery's party tomorrow. Her parents finally gave her the okay to throw a party. Don't give me you can't go bullshit. We are going, and it's going to be an amazing time. We need to go pick you out something to wear. How long does dinner have to bake?" She asked, motioning her head over to the oven.

"It has to cook for over an hour." I took a sip of sweet tea.

"Perfect! That gives us a little while to pick you out something to wear for the party." She grabbed my hand, pulling me toward the stairs.

I didn't want to go to the party that Aaron and Emily would probably show up to. And Blakely wasn't going to take no for an answer. I thought about plopping my butt down on one of the steps and sitting there, screaming "No" like little kids do when they don't want to do something. Then again, Blakely would probably kick me in the ass and tell me I'm going.

"What do you have that is super cute that you haven't worn yet or in a while?" Blakely said, shuffling through my closet. "This dress is super cute! You got to wear this tomorrow." The dress she pulled out still had the tags on it.

"I don't want to wear that," I said, lowering my head.

"Why not, Chels? It's gorgeous and will make heads turn." She hung the dress up on the back of my closet door, fanning the skirt out.

"I bought that the day I caught Aaron kissing Emily next to his car. I was to wear it for our date that night," I slowly raised my head, looking at the dress.

"I'm sorry. I still think you should wear it. I bet you Easton will be at the party." She peeked over at me, smiling.

I sat there, looking at the floral mini-skater dress. I knew Blakely was right about the dress, but I wasn't ready to let her know that. The dress was pretty, and I did look good in it.

"I'm going to go check on dinner," I said, walking out of my bedroom. I didn't even give her a chance to say anything more about the dress. I strolled down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Hey, Chelsi," Sam said, walking out of the kitchen with a glass of sweet tea. "Everything okay?" She paused, turning around to face me.

"Yeah. Blakely is trying to talk me into wearing that dress I bought a few weeks ago for Avery's party tomorrow night. I'm not sure how I feel about wearing it." I said, opening the oven door to check on the roast.

"That real pretty floral one? I think she's right. You can rub what he's lost in his face. What better way than at a party, having a great time. That's just my opinion." She shrugged her shoulders and headed upstairs.

I couldn't believe my sister agreed with Blakely on the dress. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised by it, either. I sat at the island with my phone, waiting for Blakely to come down any minute, telling me again how I needed to wear that dress tomorrow night. I knew I was going to the party no matter how hard I protested against it. Either I could go willingly, or Blakely would take me kicking and screaming. 

Author's Notes:

I know this chapter was a little slow. The next few chapters will make up for it. 

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