Chapter 49

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Gavin didn't tell me where we were going, but during the last ten minutes of the drive, the area looked hauntingly familiar from last week. I didn't want to say anything, but inside, I was screaming that I didn't want to go to Trevor's to eat. I turned my head toward the window the last few miles so Gavin wouldn't see the discontent on my face. The last thing I wanted to do was make him uncomfortable because I didn't want to eat here. 

"Everything okay?" He laid his hand on top of mine in my lap. 

I looked down at our hands. "Yes," I said without taking my eyes off our hands. I didn't want my eyes to give away anything. The less eye contact I could make right now, the better. And before I knew it, he was pulling into Trevor's. I quickly flipped the visor down to check my makeup before getting out of the car. Gavin was at my door, offering me his hand as I got out. He held it as we walked to the entrance. 

"Chelsi, are you sure you're okay? I get the feeling that something's wrong?" He opened the door for me. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry if I'm quiet." I looked up and smiled. Oh my god, his eyes were gorgeous. 

"We don't have to eat here. We can go anywhere you want to go." He smiled. 

"No, this place is fine. Really," I said as we walked up to the deserted hostess stand. A couple of minutes later, a girl with dark hair up in a bun came walking from the bar area, asking how many, and I instantly recognized it was Mariah. She looked up and saw me standing there with Gavin, and her mouth fell open. She finally closed her mouth, pressing her lips together. 

"How many? And would you like a booth or a table?" She glared over at me. 

"Mariah, I have no problem with getting the manager and letting them know how you are treating the customers because, you see, my father OWNS this restaurant. So, if I were you, I'd be EXTRA nice to Chelsi the rest of the time we are here. Do I make myself clear?" Gavin raised his eyebrow. 

She looked at him and started to giggle. "Yeah, right. Whatever. You're Dad owns this restaurant. Sure he does." 

I looked over at Gavin. "Does he really own this restaurant?" I asked. 

Gavin smiled down at me. "Just wait and see." 

"Gavin, are your dad and mom with you tonight?" A man wearing a dress shirt and slacks asked, walking out from the bar area. "Make sure they get waited on right away, and I will take care of the bill." He looked over at Mariah, who looked confused now. 

"Chelsi, you look great," Alyson said, walking from the back. 

"Thanks." I smiled. 

While Gavin was still talking to the manager, Mariah leaned in close to Alyson and asked her why the manager was being so nice to Gavin. Alyson turned wide-eyed and told her that Gavin was the owner's son. Mariah's mouth fell open again as she stood staring at Gavin. Alyson nudged Mariah with her elbow, and she turned and walked back into the bar area. 

I looked over at Alyson and mouthed. "Thank you." 

She mouthed back. "You're welcome." 

"Alyson, would you please take Gavin and his date to their table and make sure they are waited on immediately, please," the manager asked. "Oh, and tell their server to give me their bill." He smiled. 

"Thank you, Mr. Bennett," Gavin said, leading us through the restaurant behind Alyson. 

"You're welcome, Gavin. Enjoy your dinner." He smiled and disappeared toward the back of the restaurant. 

Alyson sat us at a nice corner booth, then went to find our server to tell them what the manager said. While we sat there and waited for the server, Gavin scooted closer to me in the booth, not leaving much space between us. Without making it obvious, I leaned in a little bit and inhaled deeply. The smell of Gavin's cologne awakened my senses, leaving me almost in a trance. And in that brief moment, Easton popped into my head, and I felt so guilty for thinking about him while I was here with Gavin. I turned my head to the side for a minute so he wouldn't see the shame written all over my face. 

Before he could ask if anything was wrong, our server walked up, introduced herself, and asked what we'd like to drink; we both ordered sweet tea. I made a conscious effort not to think about Easton the rest of the time we were there. Gavin deserved my undivided attention. I still couldn't understand why I was thinking about Easton after everything he'd done to me over the past week. Maybe I should just talk to him, find out what he has to say, and be done with it. Then again, I could talk to him, buy into his lies, and get hurt. 

After dinner, Gavin held my hand to the car and opened the door for me like a real gentleman. He was so sweet and crazy hot, but I couldn't get past the fact that we'd been friends for so long. And some relationships do start from friendships, but I couldn't see us moving past the friend stage. 

"Are you ready to go to the Pier and ride the Ferris wheel?" Gavin asked, pulling out of the parking lot. 

"Yes." I smiled.

We arrived at the Pier fifteen minutes later. Gavin found a close parking spot, got out, and started walking toward the entrance to the Pier. Gavin held my hand as we walked down the sidewalk, past a couple of groups of people leaving and heading back to their vehicles. I wondered if we would make it to the end of the Pier in time to ride the Ferris Wheel before they started to shut the rides down for the night. Honestly, part of me wished I was here with Easton riding the Ferris wheel. 

Author's Notes: 

I think Chelsi is still in love with Easton. I think she's going to talk to him. What do you think?

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