Chapter 10

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I found myself pulling down the visor and looking at my hair in the mirror every few minutes while Blakely weaved in and out of Santa Monica traffic. And she would tell me each time how great my hair and makeup looked. To be honest, it was to keep my mind busy and not freak out about going to see if Easton was working at Lilli's today. I couldn't believe Blakely had agreed to drive me there. Usually, she would've talked me out of doing something stupid like this and then suggested we go shopping.

"Chelsi, you look great. Stop worrying. I think it's a great idea. Who knows, maybe it might lead to something else," She giggled, raising her eyebrows up and down.

"No. No, nothing else. I don't want another boyfriend like Aaron." I said matter-of-factly.

"Okay. If you say so," she said, peeking over at me from the corner of her eye.

How could she even think I wanted another boyfriend, especially after what happened with Aaron? I had no interest in wanting to date again. And, definitely, no one remotely close to being like Aaron. Easton was good-looking, no doubt, but he possessed too many qualities similar to Aaron's.

The minute she turned the corner, and I could make out Lilli's sign-off in the distance, the thumping in my chest made it virtually impossible to hear the music blaring throughout the car. I closed my eyes, hoping the pounding in my chest would subside a little bit. I took a deep breath in through my nose and let it slowly exhale out of my mouth.

"Uh, Chelsi? You going to be okay?" Blakely asked.

My eyes were still closed, but the sincere tone of her voice let me know she was starting to worry about me. I took another deep breath in, exhaling even slower. I opened my eyes and immediately looked over at Blakely, who was practically lying on the steering wheel, staring over at me.

"Sorry," I whispered, reaching down in my lap for my wristlet.

"No, need to be sorry, Chelsi. I just want to make sure you are okay and not going to pass out on me when we go in there." Her lips tried to curl up in a smile.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I realized how close we were, and suddenly, it was like someone was playing the drums in my chest, echoing in my ears. Again, I'm sorry." I turned to get out of the car.

"Chelsi, it's okay. Really. I just want to make sure you are okay. We don't have to go in there." Blakely said, laying her hand on my forearm.

"I'm fine." I smiled, getting out of the car. I wasn't fine, but I wasn't going to let her know that. I had no idea what I was going to say to him. Come to think of it? What was I going to tell him that wouldn't make me sound like some crazy-ass girl?

There he was, standing behind the counter, looking so hot with his tight black t-shirt and jeans. Blakely went in front of me, somewhat blocking Easton's view of me. This was my chance to turn around and run out the door. Knowing my luck, I would trip and fall on my way to the door, drawing unwanted attention to myself.

I was running out of time the closer we inched to the counter with each step. I decided to bail on the idea, turning to flee out the door, when I heard Easton's smoky voice say hi to Blakely.

"Chelsi? Everything okay?" Easton said.

I lowered my foot back down to the floor and slowly turned around to face him. "Yeah. Sorry. I thought I forgot something out in the car. How are you today?"

"Good." His eyes narrowed.

"Good..." I paused.

"Um...Would you like to order something?" He asked, looking over my shoulder.

I turned around, and that was when I saw about four to five people behind me. I quickly turned back around. "Sorry. I didn't know anyone was standing behind me," I could feel myself blushing. "I'll have an iced cherry mocha latte with almond milk." I pulled the cash out of my wristlet.

"Are you two going outside to sit?" Easton asked, handing me change back.

"Yes," Blakely interrupted, easing me away from the counter before I made a bigger fool of myself.

"Chelsi, what is going on with you? I've never seen you act like that before. Not even with Aaron. OH! You like him!" She yelled, sitting down at the table outside.

"What? Have you lost your damn mind? I don't like him. He's too much like Aaron. I'm not falling for that type of guy again." I rolled my eyes, laying my wristlet on the table.

Blakely sat across from me, her head slightly tilted, raising her eyebrow. "If you say so."

"You can raise your eyebrow all you want. I don't like him. I just need him to help get rid of Aaron. That's all." I said, pointing my finger down low, trying to let her know that Easton was coming over.


"Here's your drinks. Enjoy." Easton smiled, then turned to walk away.

"Easton! Wait!" I called after him. I got up from the table, heading after him.

"Yeah?" He turned around.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you later about something?" My voice was soft, barely audible, above everyone talking around us.

"Sure. I get off work in a couple of hours. Give me your number, and I can text you when I get off work. We can figure out then where to meet," he said, handing me his phone to put my number in.

"Okay, great. Don't forget." I smiled, turning to walk back over to Blakely. Who was about to face-plant on the concrete from leaning over.

"I won't forget."

"Well?" Blakely asked, scooting back on her chair.

"Well, what?"

"You know damn well what." Annoyance escaped her mouth.

"He's going to text me when he gets off work so we can meet somewhere and talk. He doesn't know what I want to talk to him about." I smiled, looking toward the door.

"I still say you like him, and you can't convince me otherwise." Blakely took a drink of her latte. 

Author's Notes:

Chelsi is up to something! Vote and Comment to find out! 

Thanks! A.L.

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