Chapter 53

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The rest of the day was filled with too much time, wondering where Easton could've been and why he didn't show up for school today. Finally, the last bell of the day rang; I gathered up my things and went to my locker to swap out the books I needed for the weekend. Blakely was waiting for me by my locker when I turned the last corner at the end of the hall. I was a few feet from my locker when Avery approached Blakely. I paused in the middle of the hall as kids rushed by, bumping into me on their way to their lockers or out of school. I didn't want to deal with Avery's attitude right now because I'd probably say something to her. I didn't need any more added drama today. I thought I would have to do a quick turnaround and take off in the opposite direction, but Avery took off walking the other way and didn't see me. 

"What did she want?" I asked, walking up to my locker. 

"Wondering if we were still going to the party tonight," Blakely said, putting her phone away. 

"Part of me really doesn't want to go tonight, but I know you will make me go." I glanced around my locker door at her. 

"For one, I would never...Yes, I would." She laughed. "Let's go get some coffee. It's been a shitty day." 

"Are you coming over to stay the night tonight for the party?" I closed my locker door. 

"My stuff is in my car already."

I couldn't help but smile because she always stays the night at my house whenever there's a party, so she doesn't have to worry about going home at a specific time. She usually asked to stay the night first before assuming that it was okay. However, this time, she automatically thought it was okay, asked her parents, and had her things with her for the night. I hadn't even asked my parents if it was okay if she stayed the night tonight, but then again, they probably weren't even going to be home until late. "Your stuff is in the car?" I giggled. 

"Yeah...I'm sorry. Are you mad?" She scrunched up her face.

"No, I'm not mad. I just need to ask Mom real quick." I got my phone out of my purse and swiped it on. I sent her a quick text, asking if Blakely could stay the night tonight because of Avery's party. We were a few feet away from the main entrance doors when my phone chimed, letting me know I had a notification. I swiped my phone on, and it was from Mom, saying it was okay for Blakely to stay the night. 

"Let's go get coffee," Blakely said, walking toward the doors. 

We walked out the doors, and my eyes flashed toward the football field. I stood at the top of the steps, straining to see if anyone was on the field. Then, I stumbled down the steps with my eyes still fixated on the football field. Blakely grabbed my right wrist, jerked me upright, and kept me from kissing the pavement. If it weren't for her being right next to me, I would've most definitely been sprawled out in front of the steps, kissing the ground. 

"Chelsi, he's not over there. Remember, there's no practice or game tonight." Blakely reminded me. 

"Oh, yeah." I sighed. "What have I done? I've really made a mess of things." 

"Wait a minute...You aren't the only one in this mess. Easton helped create this disaster. He let Savannah come between the two of you. Not to mention his bitch-ass mother. So, no. I'm not going to stand here and listen to you take the blame for this mess." 

"I started this disaster, though. First, I talked Easton into helping me; then, I fell for him. I knew better than to fall for him. I knew he was a player like Aaron. Yet, I still fell head over heels for him like an idiot." 

"Well, I can't argue with you there. But Easton didn't have to lead you on the way he did, either. So, he's just as much to blame." She unlocked her car. "Get in; you aren't in any shape to drive through the city. We'll come back and get your car after coffee." 

I unlocked my car, tossed my book bag in the back seat, and then looked toward the football field, hoping to see the team out there practicing, but Blakely was right; no one was out there. So I locked my car up and hopped in the passenger seat of Blakely's car. She pulled straight through, then sped off toward the parking lot exit. I stared out the passenger window, not paying attention to the direction she was driving. Finally, after twenty minutes of driving, we started to slow down, and I turned my head to say something when I saw the big Lilli's sign. 

"Blakely, why did you bring us here?" I asked as my heart started pounding in my chest. 

"Well, I remembered that he usually helped out when he wasn't at practice. So I thought just maybe he might be helping out." She pulled into a parking spot. 

"What if he's not in there? His mom hates me." I sunk down in the seat. 

"Ignore his mom. She's a bitch. We don't have to go in there if you don't want to, but you'll never know if he's in there or not." She raised her eyebrows, grabbing her purse. 

I closed my eyes, sighed, and grabbed my purse off the floorboard between my feet. I hated when Blakely was right, which was ninety percent of the time, but I never told her. She locked the car, and we made our way to Lilli's front door while I looked for Savannah's car in the parking lot. I didn't see her car anywhere in the multitude of vehicles crammed in the small parking lot. Blakely opened the door and walked inside while I stood at the edge of the door, having a minor anxiety attack. She peeked over her shoulder and whispered for me to come on and not just stand in the doorway. 

She didn't know me that well because I was pretty content standing here on the other side of the doorway. So I could just wait here for her while she went to order for us. Finally, Blakely turned around, grabbed my arm, and pulled me inside. 

"Stay calm." She whispered, then moved out of the way. 

"What?" I said as my eyes roamed around the coffee shop, observing everyone in it, from the couple sitting off to the right of us at a little two-seat table to the big group back in the corner booth. Then, finally, my eyes made their way to the counter where Easton was behind the espresso machine making drinks. He had on a maroon t-shirt that hugged his biceps. I stood there for a few seconds, watching without him realizing I was there. Part of me wanted to run up and kiss him, while the other part wanted to run out the door. Then, just as we were about to walk up toward the counter, Easton looked up, and our eyes met. 

Author's Notes:

Wonder if Chelsi will confess her feelings for Easton or remain silent. 

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