Chapter Eleven

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I sat in the bed on my computer, doing some schoolwork. I needed to finished Elijah's work first, because I know for a face he will praise me for it.

I'm seriously going to drop Economics. I really hate it. It's not for me. I took a quick break on tiktok and part of me was craving a zoobie. I wanted smoke for some odd reason.

It's probably, because I deserve a smoke break. I texted Nurii to see where she was at. I was surprised she wasn't in the dorm. Now where can I get bud from.

Rebecca! I message Rebecca and go on to Tiktok after. I will just have to do nothing. I should get more friends, cause I'm not going to have a shitty and boring life while I'm going to be her.

Rebecca's name appears as a notification and I press it.

Rbz❤️‍🔥: Wht do u want?

Me: I want to pick upppp

Rbz❤️‍🔥: oooh okayy well, I'm coming to your dorm since I'm closer to you

Me: Alrr cool, I have no equipment as well

Rbz❤️‍🔥: that's klm I got it


I was partially high while I looked in the mirror at the dress I was wearing. Rebecca invited me to come to this party with her. It was Juniors and Seniors only, but everyone knows how that goes.

Freshman and Sophomores always end up coming along. Rebecca sat on Nuri's bed nodding her head in approval. It was nice and simple.

It was black booty shorts and a white wide open shirt. The front bit showed off my boobs in the best way. My necklace lay right on the little crevice. I also had a blue bikini underneath it.

"I would fuck you," she nods.

I stare at her through the mirror and I raise my eyebrows. She wasn't serious was she. I turned around and her cheeks were slightly flushed. She was serious.

"I'm locked in, don't think about it."

"Yeahh, I can tell."


She pointed at my wrist. I looked at the pandora bracelet with the single heart charm. I played with the little charm. I should probably tell them that I'm going to a party.

Nahh, they will say no. I will tell them after I went. That way they know, but find out after.

"Yeah, this is the outfit," I said.

I turned back to the mirror and I did a lil shake. I had to make sure my ass moved in shorts. I don't want to look stiff like a statue.

"Alright, rules! This party is Juniors and Seniors, soo not fucking embarrass me or yourself and do not get on Amanda's nerves," she says, seriously.

"I won't it's not like I'm going to talk to anyone," I said.

"Sure you won't."


I send Nuri a quick text before walking into the party. She still hasn't answered me which means something probably came up. The Migos were blasting through the speakers and lights swished around the room.

Everyone was drinking and smoking. I noticed some sitting and doing crack. I stared at them for a few moments, but I pulled my eyes away. No! Nope not doing it.

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