Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I lay on Grayson's couch going over some last minute work. I had the laptop sitting on my stomach and using my knees for support. I had gone through everything with Rebecca and I think I might past this semesters test.

Business was a pain in my ass. I was bad with numbers, I don't know why I even took this course. It was back up back up plan. I wanted ask Gray to make sure my math was right as well, he stepped out for something that was happening. I was now just waiting for him to come back.

Since he owned a multi-millionaire business so people could explore their kinky and nasty desires. I get this shit for free, I still can't believe it's five hundred for this shit.

I am going to drop the fuck out after this semester though. That shit was not for me. The only thing I actually liked was English, not because of Elijah. I generally liked English. There was History which is mostly remembering what happened on that day.

November 7th 1919, I think the armstice was signed. I was sure that the year was wrong. The treaty of Versailles didn't get signed until July 22nd or June 22nd 1918. Or did it get signed 1920? Yeahhh that's enough for my brain.

The door was cracked open, but really tiny. I could hear the voices arguing. I sat up from the couch and got up putting my laptop down. I slightly eased the door open. I could hear the argument more clearly.

It was Grayson arguing with a women. I could barely see her face, but he was trying to get her talk in a hushed voice.

"Tana, for the last fucking time you need to leave," Grayson grits.

"Why? Have you already found someone else? I thought you said you loved me? Grayson, please I don't want anyone else," she rants.

I look at the women and study her. She had brown hair that came slightly past her shoulders. She had high cheeks bones and clear skin. Deep sea blue eyes that reminds you of the moon glistening on the water. Long lashes that were covered with mascara that were starting to melt. The poor women looks like a mess and I assume she was only a few years younger than Grayson.

"We are over, We have been for months! You need to let whatever we had go. There are plenty of men out there that need another slave."

Tears smeared down her face and she gets down on her knees. Grayson puts his hands in his suit pockets and seems to be looking for something or someone to save him. I pulled the door in a but more he wouldn't see me.

I should be minding my black ass business, but that technically is my man. She is currently getting on her knees begging for him back.

"Master, I always listened to you every word. I never once disobeyed you. I will do whatever to please you," she cries.

She seemed so distraught and it seemed she depended on Gray so much. From what I could tell that they had a slave/master relationship. It reminds me of when I first agreed to this whole thing.

They never really wanted a sub. They wanted a slave and considering the years of experience, they might have tried everything. I just thought of every possible moment, when I was them. Grayson especially because he was always bipolar towards me.

Was this the reason why? He had an intimate relationship with her and he decided to break it off? Is this that why he's so eh towards me, he doesn't want to be in a situation like that again.

Personally I wouldn't beg for him back, I might beg him to forgive me. Getting on my knees was a bit of a stretch. Although it depend on how far we go, would I get on my knees and plead for him?

He grabs her neck and he was chocking her. Not in the way he would gently choke me, but full on choking her. A smile spreads across her face and all stress instantly went away. Her eyes beamed up at him as her face slowly turned red. She whispers something to him.

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