Chapter Fifteen

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The door opened and I looked up. Nuri shuts the door behind her.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," she smiles.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, I'm just exhausted and I have one more lecture for the day," she sighs.

She puts her bag down and jumps onto her bed. She lays down getting comfortable in the bed.

"I'm done for the day and Elijah was my last lecture."

"Oh, how was that? Did you even pay attention or were you too busy thinking about him?" she questions.

"No, he kicked me out because I was late," I groaned.

"He what? Damn all because you were late?"

"I mean I'm late to his lectures all the time. I skipped a week. Parker interrupted one of his lectures. He has to have some personal vendetta against me in school, but I swear I was planning to be early. I just got caught up with Adam."

"Woah rewind. Adam?" she exclaims.

"Yeah, I ran into Adam and we started talking for a bit," I said.

"Are you two gonna mess around again?"

"We weren't messing around to even begin with. It was just a bet that we had and yeah."

"Oh yeah, technically it's still going on," she recalled.

"Eh, I doubt it. I'm with Eli and Gray, so there's no point of it anymore."

"Yeah, but he still has chances to swoop you under. He has until Thanksgiving and that's only weeks away. Halloween is in what three weeks? After Halloween Thanksgiving is right there."

"There really isn't anything to worry about, but speaking of Halloween we need costumes."

"I'm only getting dressed up if there's a party."

"I have a source, lemme find out if there is gonna be one."

I get my phone off the charger and go on Snap and find Rebecca's name. I sent her a message and I saw Adam's message. Oh. I opened the chat.

Adam: We should hang out again, I miss it🥲

Me: mhmm I will pray abt it lol

I swipe off the chat and just open all other useless chats. I put my phone against my chest and sigh. I shouldn't talk to Adam again.

I'm going to give him mixed signals. I should have said hi and bye today. I should have just left our friendship what it was.

"What's are you thinking about? What's with the sulky face now?" Nuri asks.

"It's Adam, I just don't know what to do. Gray and Eli will say a massive no to that. Elijah has a grudge against Parker, so why would he say yes to Adam."

"You put yourself in a love triangle lol," she laughs.

"Nuriyah, be serious!"

"Just keep it a secret. Say your going this place and go to him," she shrugs.

"I promised I wouldn't lie to them anymore."

"Promises can be broken. It's not like you're going to get married to them after college."

"How long is your contract for?" She asks.

"Mhm, it'a three months, but with how time that has passed it's less than that now," I answer.

"Yeahh, so by thanksgiving basically or after you have a choice. Adam or them simple."

"Your giving me an ultimatum basically."

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