Chapter Forty

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I looked out the window of the restaurant and stared at the city lights. I like the city view from up here, it was enchanting. The clouds covering the dark sky that lit up because of the moon. The colorful city lights decorating the ground. It was a  beautiful view.

I turned towards Grayson and he was cutting his steak. He had decided that it would be best to take me out to this fancy restaurant with a great view of New York. I searched this place up before we came and you had to have reservation days or weeks  in advance. I was surprised Gray even got a reservation for such a place.

I found it a bit extra since he made me change as well. It was good that he did that though. This restaurant would have never let me in with my other outfit. Although everything came up to a total of two hundred dollars. He didn't care that he was spending so much on me, even though he hasn't seen me in years.

He puts his steak in his mouth and chews on it, waiting for my answer. I forgot what he asked me, I zoned out again.

"What was your question again?"

"How did you get to New York?" He repeats.

"Hitchhiking," I answered.

"Where did you stay all these years?"

I looked down at my plate and moved around my mash potatoes. I mixed it with some gravy and ate it. The creamy mash mixed with the slightly salted gravy. It had a savory taste that would make you want more. I wanted to avoid that question.

"This taste nice," I nod.

"Iris, don't avoid the question."

"I bounced around," I repeat.

"Bounced around where?"

"Do you need the definition of bounced around?" I said, sarcastically.

He puts his fork and knife down on the plate. He leans back against the chair and crossed his arms. He was becoming serious and I put down my own cutlery.

"Answer the question."

"Do you have to be so intimidating?"

"Answer," he says.

"I don't have to answer it," I retort.

He lets out a deep sigh and gently shakes his head. He uncrosses his arms, he looks me up and down. A smile small spreads on his face before it disappears after a few seconds.

"Fine, don't answer it, but I have my guesses."

"Make all the assumptions you want," I shrug.

"How did you meet Diana?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?"

"I'm just curious on what you have been doing," he answered.

"I can tell, but can we talk about something else. Like what have you been doing for the last two years?" I question.

I picked up my glass of water and took a sip from the straw. I swished the straw around in the glass and took a few more sips. I put it back down and picked up my fork. I avoided his eye contact and played with my food. I was starting to fidget now and I was sure he could tell.

"I'm sorry," he sighs.

"You clearly don't want to talk about it, so what do you plan on doing now?"

"I'm not sure, I will probably help Diana. Save up maybe go back to school," I shrug.

"Go back to UCLA or school elsewhere?"

"I don't know," I shrug.

"What would you study this time?"

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