Chapter Twenty-Six

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I was not excited to be back in school. It was torturous with all the workload I get. I was slightly catching up with Rebecca's help since I was doing shit in Eco. I don't think owning a business is for me.

I was already shit at math and the amount of math I do is too much for my little brain. I was up with everything else since I did get special help from Elijah this time. He was only helping because I promised I would be good and he fucked me into saying I would.

I wasn't hanging out with Adam a lot only occasionally . I think he got caught up in his own school work, plus with football. He was training a lot more now since he was cleared to play again.

I didn't mind since it gave me more time to spend with Gray and Eli. Gray did eventually start acting like his usual grumpy self with again and I loved it. He wasn't giving me the half cold shoulder. He finally started to call me Iris less which made me happy.

Gray did also have his questions about that night in the restaurant so did Elijah, but they waited. We had made dinner together night, because I wanted to and they let me have some alcohol.

I just summarized the story in a less traumatic way for me. I was not trying to remember much about high school, it was really shitty. They were cornered about my drug use, but I explained that I was pretty much clean. I wasn't an addict anymore, I can most definitely say that.

The withdrawals were really stressful and I did end up using again. I think that's a process of it, but in the end I made it. Anything that was on the table, I cleared of dust. I was more careful with Grayson though.

I did everything to stay in Grayson's good spirits and we were okay. If I was hanging out with Adam, I did tell them. I didn't go to his apartment, so I was really holding up my end of the deal.

I didn't want to ruin the trust we already had built up again. I really don't think our relationship could take such a another tumble, because I think there would be nothing left to gather. There would be no point in trying again.

I finished my blunt and threw it away. I drank some mango juice and laid back onto the grass. I looked up at the sky as I let the high settle on me. I was pretty happy with life right now. It was not shoving a foot up my ass.

I looked up at the sky and felt as my body slowly became heavy. I closed my eyes and imagined my body moving on its on. I felt my body spinning as if I was coming out of this world.

I opened my eyes and stared at the sky. My eyes were low and my skin felt so clear. I was really going to need to get up and go relax inside. I bug out when I'm outside, but I like to smoke outside.

I wasn't far from Elijah and Gray's, I was just down the street in this flat area with trees. I just found it while walking around. I sit up and try to not let my body fall back down.

I get my perfume and spray myself. I pack away all my stuff and start heading back to the house. Nobody should be there since it was only Five. I wasn't to worried about getting caught.

I put my AirPods in and listened to Karma by Summer Walker. I was dancing to it while walking which was not a good idea, but I just couldn't stop it.

I sang along to my music and partially danced my whole way back to the house. I would have not been doing that it I was not high, but I was high as a motherfucker.

I came to the door and got my keys out. I put the key into the hole and unlocked the door. I went in and made sure to lock the door behind me. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, I don't know what I was craving.

I took out the pineapple that was in a container and turned out. A demon was looking at me grinning and I screamed. My heart actually dropped to the fucking ground. It was only Elijah and I felt like an idiot.

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