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to do something wrong is to have the courage to bear the consequences, so i am ready for the misfortune of a lifetime.] 】

in the heart-wrenching silence, song bailao's lazy voice sounded again.

"your seduction skills are also too clumsy, aren't they?"

i froze and looked up from his arms, facing his drooping eyes.

his pupils were as dark as ink, and his facial features appeared deeper and lacked temperature in the dim light.

"just can't wait to dedicate yourself?" his thin lips were faintly upturned when he spoke, but it was by no means a friendly arc.

he thought i had fallen off on purpose so that i could throw my arms around him... this person has a bad temper, but his imagination is quite good.

"no..." i hurriedly struggled to get out of his arms, stepped back slightly, and stood an arm's length away from him.

i stared at a vague pattern on the carpet and defended myself weakly: "i really just fell." "

he let out a cold hum of disdain from his nose, as if he were laughing at me until this time. in the afterglow of the corner of my eye, he bounced his shirt, as if trying to brush away the unsightly folds i had left on his clothes.

for the next dozen seconds, none of us spoke. time is so long because of the blank space that it is difficult to sit still.

i heard song bailao suppressing his impatience and sighing heavily from his nose: "then will you wear a tie?" "

fingers nervously ** a little, i swallowed uneasily spit: "this is also... not really. "

he didn't say another word, walked up to me, pulled the tie from my hand, and without much gentleness lifted the collar of my shirt, and even began to tie it for me.

i stiffened my neck and let him toss and turn, not daring to move. the gaze was inevitably facing his face, and i had to admit that even in the alpha, which was generally excellent-looking, song bailao's face could still be called stunning.

unlike liang qiuyang's delicacy and zhu li's immortal qi, song bailao's good looks are more masculine and more aggressive. if liang qiuyang and zhu li are precious collections displayed in museums, then song bailao is a magnificent scenery in nature.

without a minute, he skillfully tied the tie that i couldn't toss and turn before.

"all right." he adjusted the position of the tie to make it more obedient to my chest. i was finally able to breathe normally without having to deliberately hold my breath.

i saw his eyelids lift slightly, stagger his face, walk back to the bed and quickly put on the white blazer. as soon as i turned back, i saw that song bailao was still standing where he was, looking ahead with both eyes. i noticed that there was a dressing mirror behind me just now, and he was silently staring at his reflection in the mirror.

"come here." he seemed to perceive my gaze through the mirror and commanded without turning his head.

i obediently walked over, and he gave way to some positions, motioning for me to stand beside him. i did it, and the mirror immediately appeared as if we were standing side by side.

dresses of the same style, he wears black, i wear white. he was tall and handsome, dazzling; i was pale and gaunt, cowering and shrinking.

"is it worth it?" he looked at me in the mirror and asked.

not worthy at all, even a little funny.

if he wants to make me ashamed of himself, he probably doesn't have to do it that way. i've always been well aware of what this marriage meant to him and the role i was playing in it.

The Wound In My Heart (Chen Shang)Where stories live. Discover now