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i jumped up at the sound of my alarm, which was driving me crazy because i was handling a horrible headache. i glanced at the clock and noticed the time which was 11:20.

fuck fuck fuck, i was late. tuh, well yeah Alex you're not late. you've slept the whole school day away, i might as well lay here. i took a breath as i laid there, tossing and turning trying to gain some comfort.

before i could find an ounce of comfort, i heard the front door fly open. that had to be only one person, Alyssa. i shrugged it off as i grabbed my phone while sitting up in bed.

i scanned over my phone fairly quickly, nothing a few text from Ava.

"and you weren't in classes why? i swear you're always leaving me with these kids."

"so you're seriously not coming? oh my god Alex."

"let this day pass smoothly, i cannot take the stupidity of these people."

i laughed loudly before i got up and went to freshen up. i didn't smell or anything but shit, wash my face and brush these teeth.

i made my way downstairs and found myself in the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"you weren't in classes, why?" i heard Alyssa ask. oh gosh, not today.

"i overslept," i shrug. "i mean, we live in the same house so you could've woke me up."

"i don't wake up adults," she said rudely.

girl, id knock your teeth in, fuck off.

"whatever," i shrug before walking off to the living room. i could've went to my bedroom but i honestly didn't want to walk back up the stairs, so living room it is.

"you missed a lot," she says suddenly.

"barely, it's like the end of the first week back from break. but im trying to watch tv, go somewhere else."

i could feel the smirk just form on her lips as she walked away, which made the hairs on my neck stand. she went off into the kitchen and suddenly all i heard was loud music, which made me jump.

"Alyssa !" i shouted. "what is your problem?! you see me watching tv."

"i don't see you watching anything, you were flipping through shows from what i can see."

bitch, ou give me the patience because strength will lead me to jail.

"and that gives you what right to blast music?" i lifted my brow in which she lifted hers and we shared stares. i didn't realize i was staring for so long until i took the time to blink.

"your eyes are beautiful," she said suddenly. oh now you compliment me?

"yeah, thanks. i need a beer, excuse me."

"didn't take you for the drinking type, that's interesting."

"im not," i say as i eye her.

"so you just decided that you want a beer ?"

"Alyssa, one minute you're a smart ass to me then next you're nice, make up your mind."

"sure," she says while eyeing me.


"Alex, you've been staring at the girl since we've gotten here." okay? geez, she was stunning but she was like the second "known" person in town, besides me.

"yes but the whole town knows her," i let out a sigh. Ava and i were currently sitting in our local bar and it was almost 10 at night.

"yes, but the town also knows you too," she shrugs. "stop being a big baby."

i eyed her coldly before discreetly looking over at Julia, she was so beautiful. i didn't know if she was into women though but shit, it's worth a shot.

fuck, her parents made a goddess.

"mind if i sit?" i spoke softly, not the high pitch soft but soft soft. plus, my voice came off as soft as people said.

"not at all, have a sit Miss. Lance," she says with a smirk. "what is the famous Alexandra doing at a bar at 10 at night ?"

i chuckle, "i should ask you the same thing, Miss Brown."

"i mean," she shrugs and lets out a small giggle. "i don't usually drink and im not tonight currently but the vibe and atmosphere of bars, drive me crazy."

"ah," i nod. "well i don't mean to disturb your night, i just came over to ask if i could take you out any time?"

"really?" she asked in a much amusing manner.

"it's not a date of course," i hold my hands up in defense. "it could just be a small library tea or coffee, even dinner."

"sure," she shoots me a smile.

i give her a nod before speaking, "well it was nice speaking with you, ill see you tomorrow afternoon?"



i took a breath as i made my way into the house slowly, making sure to be as quiet as possible. waking my father up was ruthless and he wasn't all too much of a deep sleeper.

i was honestly beyond tired and all i wanted was nothing more than to crash into bed right about now.

"where were you?" i heard suddenly from a voice all too familiar. Alyssa.

"not your business, Alyssa."

"your dad w-"

"he wasn't worried, he's sound asleep and he knows my intentions. i am 23 years old, i don't need a 25 year old telling me what to do. and if you have a problem, do something about it." i made sure to keep direct eye contact.

before i knew it, she had a handful of my shirt inside of her hand and she seemed upset. was i testing her? ah.

"are you gonna let my shirt go, Miss. Adams ? go lay with your boyfriend." i say with a smirk. "my dad wouldn't like you touching me like this miss ma'am."

"you're always testing me, Alex," she says while grinding her teeth before letting me go.

"do i now ?"

"yes," she says while eyeing me rolling her eyes.

i gave her a nod.

"i was thinking about moving out."

"i mean you'd be doing me a favor, i already see you in school. if you want to leave, bounce."

before she could open her mouth and speak, i turned on my heels and walked away.

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