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"i didn't think you'd make it, oh my goodness, i haven't seen you in ages," my younger brother Josh yells out in excitement. "i missed you so much."

Josh was only 14, he was my baby of the baby in the family. Sophia was the other baby of mine, i loved these two.

"josh," i chuckle, embracing him firmly. "it's been like a year, are you calling me old?"

"yes," he nods, laughing. "i joke i joke, you're not old. you're getting older though, how've you been?"

"ive been okay, kids at the school drive me crazy but i manage," i smile, immediately thinking of Alex. she does something to me, i just couldn't put my finger on it. "how about you? you've been good to mom and dad right?"

"you know me!" she shoves me causing me to lift my brow. "im kidding, im kidding, of course ive been good to mom and dad. i mean dad is rarely home but of course."

i cock my brow, "he is cheating?"

"dad is a dick but he's not stupid."

i chuckle, shaking my head, "watch your mouth, josh."

"yes, watch your mouth, Josh Eli Evans," i heard moms voice as she rounded the corner. her cold cut eyes, watched josh closely. "hi baby girl, how are you?"

"hi mom," i smile, greeting her. "im doing okay, how about you? how was thanksgiving?"

"other than your siblings driving us all insane, they went smoothly, how about yours?"

"it was okay, better than i thought to be fair," i smile, remembering the moment. "Merry Christmas, mom."

she smiles, "Merry Christmas, baby."

"ayo! family!!" i heard suddenly from a voice i knew all too familiar. if it wasn't my oldest younger brother Daniel, i sure as hell didn't know who else. "Merry Christmas Merry Christmas!" he shouts again, rounding the corner.

"Daniel, you're so damn loud," i shake my head, eyeing him.

"shut up, Alyssa," he blurts. "i missed you, ah!"

he practically throws himself onto me, embracing me tightly. this man was nearly 300 hundred pounded, Jesus Christ.

"Daniel! oh my gosh, you're heavy!" i shout. "get your big ass off of me!"

"you didn't miss your baby bro?" he eyes me before pulling himself off of me. "rude."

"shut up, you're almost 300 hundred pounds, sir!"

"uh, im 230, Alyssa, you're so damn dramatic."

"uhh, that's close enough," i eye him, patting him on the shoulder.

"crybaby, speaking of crybabies, where's Sophia?"

"sleeping," josh blurts, walking past us.

"wait up josh!" Daniel runs after him.

i chuckle, shaking my head as i walk off into the kitchen, finding mom over the stove. i hadn't had moments like this since i was a kid, man the memories.

mom and dad made our childhood very memorable, remarkable. i missed it sometimes.

seeing her or even being back home with these loud assholes brought back the memories, all of them.

"hi baby," she greets me, smiling my way. "you okay? you look sad."

i shake my head, nudging off the feelings, "no im okay mom, im just thinking." i scan the room, taking in the objects around me, taking in the atmosphere. "i miss this place, i miss it here."

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