s2 e23

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"Allen, set this on the table for me?" i held a bowl of salad in front of me. "the middle."

he nods, "mhm, is dad still at the office?"

"no," i shake my head. "he should be upstairs, he said he'd be down soon."

"that was five minutes ago," he glances at me.

"are you okay? what's with the rush?"

"nervous," he says while hanging his head low, fidgeting with his fingers. "im nervous."

"why's that?"

"ive only met Rachel from mom's side, never dad's side. ive never met dad's side of the family."

"Allen, dad side of the family is really loving and supportive, i understand your nervousness but it'll be fun. you can meet Tommy, your cousin."

"how old is he?"

"seven but he's a really good kid, amazing, and very active."

"will he be the only cousin that comes along?"

i shake my head slowly, "i don't think so, no. it'll be a few around your age, 14-17. but half of them smoke their lives away and always wasted."

"don't you drink?"

"there's a difference between downing a bottle every time you get the chance than having a drink or two."

he shrugs, "fair."

"no," i point. "health."

before he could speak, there was a knock at the door, "ill grab that, you can finish the small things and go up and get dad?"

he nods, "yes, of course."

i pull myself together, going over to the door, yanking it open, coming face to face with my feet family members.

"ahhh," aunt Rachel spoke, embracing me tightly. "ive missed you."

"you saw me, thanksgiving," i chuckle as i embrace her tightly.

"that's a long time," she squeezes me more tightly, shaking me. "Merry Christmas, baby."

i smile, "Merry Christmas, auntie."

she pulls away from the hug, "where's my bald head, brother?"

"right here," dad announces as he rounds the corner. "hi, Rachel, hi everyone," he greets them.

"Alexandra!" i heard the familiar sound of Tommy as he called my name. my eyes quickly flicking to my left, seeing him running towards me. "ive missed you so much."

"ahhh!!" i smile widely, getting down to his level, opening my arms. i embraced him firmly, giving his little body a squeeze. "ive missed you too, kiddo, how are you doing?"

"good good!" he blurts in excitement, smiling wide as his teeth began to show. "my mom bought me more toys! power rangers, i have all the colors now."

i gasp, "really? no way, that's amazing, baby," i smile.

i watched him, seeing the pure excitement and joy on his face. wrapping my arms underneath him, pulling him up into my arms.

"hey guess what?"

"hmm?" he eyes me, wide-eyed.

"i have someone id like you to meet, i think you'd love him."

we round the corner, going over to the secondary living area, finding Allen over by the Christmas tree.

"Allen," i announce, causing him to jump. "i didn't mean to scare you, i apologize."

he shakes his head, "you're fine, who's this?"

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