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i was up bright and early for class, it was Friday which was a huge plus. i was currently walking down the stairs to my bedroom and i only had one class this day and it was Alyssa. haha, great.

normally i didn't drive to school but it was beginning to get a lot colder and the wind was no joke.

i was really hoping Christmas break could hurry up but i knew that wouldn't be until another two, three weeks. which didn't seem like much but it was and mane was it stressful.

sadly i made it to class about 10 minutes later and i was dragging myself to my seat.

"you look dead," Ava said in a which i shot her a cold glance. "don't look at me like that, i should hit you upside your fucking head for leaving me like that."

"i slept in and by the time i woke up, class was over."

"sure," she says sarcastically. "anyways, here she comes," she points as Alyssa walks into the classroom.

lord i was regretting classes already.

Miss Adams sat at the front of the classroom, going over a small lesson we'd be working on for a the last two weeks. since we only had two weeks until break, my two instructors were trying to cram all the work into two weeks. stressful i tell you.

i still sat and questioned why Alyssa had to be our instructor, the other lady was doing just fine. to add to it, no one made an effort to say anything of it. she just showed up like some peekaboo type shit.

before i knew it, class was over and i was seemingly bolting out of class as Ava followed behind.

"need a ride?" she asked.

"no, i drove today."

"which car ?" she says in which i eyed her. "don't look at me like that, boogie ass."

"oh shut up, you know i don't act like others that have money, like ever."

"yeah whatever, just drive safe," she says sarcastically before splitting ways with me.

i made my over to my car fairly quickly. as i was about to get in, i could see Miss. Adams struggling.

should i help? eh, nah, let's go home. no, don't be rude, go help her.

i groaned loudly in which she probably heard but at this point, who cares.

"need help, Miss. Adams ?" i asked quite nicely

"no, not at all," she eyes me. "but thank you."

instead of saying anything back, i shrug and walk off to my car and without hesitation i pulled off.


"okay because no, i wouldn't have taken you to be the museum type," Julia says while trying to contain her laughter. "you're different."

"museums are beautiful, they're just a whole different atmosphere and i love that."

"they are, the art is always beautiful and the way they detail it? just makes it more beautiful."

i gave her a nod while taking a sip from my glass of water. it was later afternoon, probably 5. i hadn't checked the time since id been here and it was nice.

"do you have any plans for thanksgiving and christmas break?"

"i think we're gonna spend it with family or just you know the two of us," she shrugs. "how about you?"

"same, maybe my father and his girlfriend will cook, i guess. speaking of them, i should head back home, it was nice to see you, Julia."

"likewise, Alexandra," she says with a smile.

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