8. The first mission : Part One

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(A/n: that video has nothing to do with the story but I thought it was funny 😂. Muzan's reactions to Yorichii though 😂)

It had been ten days since Yua had returned home. Although her brother had been away from most of the time, he had finally come back last night. She had not gotten the chance to talk with him however as she had figured he probably needed some rest.

Yua had also been feeling a little anxious knowing that her sword could arrive any day now. After what happened in final selection, she had a good picture of her sword color. After all, the one she had used had not returned to its original color. She didn't know how her brother would feel about her personalizing one of his swords.

Just as she was busy daydreaming in the comfort of her favorite chair that had been set out in the glorious sun whilst eating her favorite snack of Sakura Mochi, she spotted the head of a very familiar swordsmith.

"Tetsuido-san!" She exclaimed in excitement as she got off her resting spot and rushed up to meet the man.

Like all the swordsmith, Tetsuido, her brother's loyal swordsmith, had on a tengu mask to conceal his face. The man was a gentle soul and she could tell he was smiling underneath that mask.

"Yua, it's been a while, how have you been?" Tetsuido asked.

"I've been great!" Yua replied enthusiastically "And I passed final selection!"

"That's wonderful, little one." He said whilst petting her head.

"Are you here to see oni-chan? He came back from his mission last night, I can go get him." Yua said with a beaming smile.

"Actually, little one, I've come here for you. To deliver your special Nichirin blade that I have crafted with the finest of ores. I hope it will be to your liking." The swordsmith said with pride.

"Really? It's finally here? Can I see it?" Yua chirped excitedly, she was all but containing her excitement.

"Hold on now, let us go inside so I can show to you." The swordsmith suggested.

Grinning, Yua raced inside whilst dragging the poor swordsmith along with her. As they got into the mansion they ran into the Mist Hashira.

"Good day to you, young Master." Tetsuido said to him with a warm smile. "I've come to deliver your sister's Nichirin sword. Will you like to see it as well?"

The young boy simply shrugged his shoulders in an 'I don't care' attitude.

"Whatever." He said with disinterest.

Yua tried not to be hurt by her brother's indifference but she did wish he could at least be happy for her. Maybe even proud. After all, she was going through all this just to follow in his footsteps. All she wanted was to be just like her brother.

Part of her hoped that by joining the demon slayer corp, she would have something in common with him seeing as he had been so distant from her. She hoped that by following in his footsteps then he would finally take interest in her once again and be her older brother once again.

Considering his reaction, however, that wasn't happening anytime soon.

When the swordsmith saw her sudden gloomy attitude, he decided to cheer her up by revealing the sword he had made for her.

"Well then, go on, let's see what color it'll change to." He said as he handed the blade over to her.

This seemed to lift her mood a bit as she was suddenly focused on the blade alone.

She remembered how the one she had used had turned purple when she had unleashed her breathing technique. Would this one turn purple too?

With a deep breath, she took the sword in her hand and watched after a few seconds it began to turn a dark shade of purple.

"Well that is very interesting... I've never seen that color before." Tetsuido commented thoughtfully.

"Actually... The sword I had during final selection turned purple as well once I unleashed my breathing technique." She began nervously.

"Huh? So you were finally able to use the mist breathing technique? That's great news! Now you won't be so depressed about not being able to." The swordsmith said joyfully.

"Haha, yeah, well except... It wasn't mist breathing." She replied. "It wasn't any of the breathing styles that are common either."

"So that means that you made your own breathing technique. Well, that is truly something." Tetsuido said. "I am honored to serve not one but two prodigies. I'll be going now. I can't wait to hear all the great things you shall accomplish whilst wielding this fine specimen of a sword."

With that, the swordsman bowed and left the two siblings to themselves. Yua turned to ask her brother if he could help train her but he had a very faraway look. She figured he must not have heard a thing they were talking about, with a loud sigh, she smiled up at him.

"Oni-Chan, will you help me train." she chirped excitedly. 

"Okay." he said, his voice betraying no emotion whatsoever.

I guess it's better than nothing, she thought to herself.

They spent the next four hours training together. She tried to perfect her forms and figure out how she could best use her newly discovered breathing form however she could not figure out how to truly perfect them. She was at a loss.

It was close to sunset when she saw her crow descending down to her.

"Caw, caw! You have a mission, my lady! Head south to the city! A demon has been terrorizing the villagers in the city!" 

Well, this is it, she thought to herself. Terrible timing as well seeing as the message had come just as the world was about to be basked in darkness. The time when demons would be most active.

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