16. Tsuzumi Mansion

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A/N : I'm so sorry that this chapter is super late. I had promised to give it to you a lot earlier but a lot of things have been happening in my life that kept me away from writing. I also had to deal with my mental health on top so it's been quite a rolle coaster.

I do hope I'll be able to keep writing though in a much more regular manner. With Wattys coming up, I have some catching up to do with one of my books so I can get it ready for submission so I have to stick around more.

To make up for my absence, I made this chapter longer than the rest so I hope you enjoy.

Whew, now that's out of the way... Over 9k read😱. I can't believe it. And here I thought this book wasn't good at all. Thank you all for your reads and votes and comments. They really mean the world to me.  I hope the rest of the story will meet your expectations.

When we reach 10k I will release a special chapter just for you guys in celebration. Now without further adieu....


The trees were a blur as the trio raced towards the destination their Kasugai crows and sparrow had sent them. Neither knew what they'd find but having all three of them sent to the same location surely meant that they were either facing multiple demons or one very powerful one.

Yua wondered if perhaps it would be one of the twelve demon moons. The very fact that the three of them were sent to the same direction proved that they were about to face a very powerful foe.

As she was still wondering, she spotted two younger children, a boy and a girl, huddled together behind a tree. From their pale faces and shaking limbs it wasn't hard to tell that they had just experienced something horrific.

She recognized that look. Looking at the two as Tanjiro approached them brought back the bitter memories of when her only family was torn apart. There was no doubt about it. Something similar had happened to them, or was about to happen.

To confirm her worst fears, when Tanjiro walked up to them and got them to open up to them by showing them Chintaro, Zenitsu's sparrow, the two told them of how a monster had come out of nowhere and dragged their older brother into the giant mansion in front of them. The two poor souls had followed traces of their brother's blood to where they were in hopes that they could atleast save him.

"Don't worry, the three of us are going to save your big brother." Tanjiro said to them with an encouraging smile.

"Really? You'll help him?" The little girl asked with a glimmer of hope."

"Of course we will, you don't have to worry." Yua reassured them with a warm smile. "We promise to get him back for you."

The mansion was indeed giant and loomed over them with a menacing aura. Zenitsu started panicking at the meere sight talking about how he could hear a strange terrifying sound coming from it. Almost after saying that, they heard the echo of a beating drum and seconds later the body of a boy was thrown out of the window flat onto the ground.

Tanjiro immediately shielded the two children from the horrific sight with his haori before rushing forward to try and help the poor boy. He had deep gushes all over him and his wounds wouldn't stop bleeding. Tanjiro tried to talk to him but he had a faraway expression. He was talking mostly to himself about how he was about to die even though he has managed to escape. With those final words, he died in Tanjiro's arms as the latter looked on unable to help him.

Almost immediately after, a deafening roar was heard coming from within the mansion. The two children cried out in alarm. Even the thre slayers were unnerved at the sound that came together with the constant beating of a drum.

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