14. Lunar Moon

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A/N : Hey, everyone sorry for the long wait, I just got back and saw that my book had over 3.7 k reads. I love you guys soo much 💕.

I had a lot going on in my life that kept me from focusing on on my writing. I can't promise a regular update schedule but I do promise to try to update regularly.

I am also working on a Naruto Fanfiction, if that's your thing do let me know. It'll be a Neji Hyuga Love Story.

Anyways, without further adieu, on with the story....


That night, the sky was split in two by a raging bolt of lightning as rain clouds gathered for a violent storm. Yua knew that such a night would only bring terror to the residents of any near village, but she was still confined to the Rengoku mansion. She would have to continue on her merry way the following morning.

She had hoped for one last night of peace, but the night would not let her rest. She had an uneasy feeling. Almost as if someone was watching her but that was probably paranoia.

Unable to sleep, she decided to enjoy a midnight stroll by the yard. She was well aware that old man Shinjuro was drunk in his sleeping quarters whilst Kyojuro was probably busy doing Hashira stuff.

She would have loved to have Senjuro out there with her but the poor guy was probably out cold from their rigorous training.

She stopped in her tracks when something occured to her. It was eerily quiet. Turning around she began to dash back to the compound. At that point she was almost certain that there was a demon lurking in the shadows.

As she approached her room, she could see the silhouette of a man standing in her room. Luckily, when she had decided to take her stroll, she had her nichirin sword with her.

Drawing her sword, she burst into her room ready to strike only to find no one there.

That's strange, she thought to herself as she looked all around her room to find there really was no one there.

That's when her eyes landed on the small journal that had been placed on her pillow.

She carefully picked it up and opened it.

"Moon breathing?" She read in shock. "Does that mean there's been other users of my breath style?!?! This lists up to 16 techniques!"

So if a demon slayer had left this for her then why had she sensed the overwhelming aura of a demon then?

Immediately after she thought that, her door burst open and the Flame Pillar charged in with his sword ready for action.

She looked up at him in confusion, wondering if maybe he had sensed what she had.

"Aah, Yua-chan! I thought I sensed something here! Are you alright?" Kyojuro asked her as he inspected her room to make sure there was nothing amiss.

"I'm fine nee-sama." She simply replied as she smiled up at him.

"Oh. Then you should get back to sleep. You have a long journey tomorrow!" He said as he turned around to leave.

Yua noticed that the pillar said nothing about the sword she held in her hand. Perhaps he hadn't noticed or he had simply chose to trust her when she said she was fine.

With a deep breath, she waited until he was gone before she kneeled down on her bed and continued to read through the journal. She knew this new knowledge should have made her happy but she couldn't help getting a bad feeling.

Early the next morning, as Yua bade everyone at the Rengoku estate, her crow swept down onto her shoulder with instructions for her next mission.

"Lady Yua, you are to go to the mansion Southeast of here! Demons have taken hostages into their residence! You must rescue the prisoners and slay the demons!"

"Well, nee-sama, I will be going now!" she said to Kyojuro as she stepped out into the open.

"Good! Go save dozens of lives and be the best you can!" The flame Hashira said to her as he stood in a proud stance that had both his younger brother and Yua a little confused.

"Aah, nee-chan, you don't have to be all formal with her," Senjuro said in embarrassment.

"Ara - Ara, it's all fine, Senjuro - kun. I promise to write as often as I can. I'll be going now." Yua said as she waved a sweet goodbye to them before turning around and dashing towards her next destination.

She still had a lot on her mind, especially about the mysterious figure who left her that journal but she forced all these thoughts aside so she could focus on the mission ahead.

She knew the appearance of multiple demons in one spot wasn't common. They would probably be fighting over territory or food even, as awful as that was. She was confident that other slayers had been sent to the location as well.

She began to wonder about her potential teammates. She hoped they were friendly. Maybe, just maybe, she'd meet Tanjiro again.

As she neared the location, she noticed a familiar face lying down by the sidewalk. it was the boy with yellow hair and haori. (A/N: I changed this up a bit so that Yua is the girl that finds Zenitsu by the sidewalk and he then starts to ask her to marry him 🤣)

"Hey, it's that boy from final selection..." She thought to herself as she knelt besides him.

He kept mumbling about how he was going to die so he didn't notice her until she reached out to him.

"Uhm, hey... Excuse me." She said gently. "Are you alright? Do you need any help?"

He blinked a couple of times before he finally noticed her.

"Are- are you talking to me?" He asked in awe.

"Of course I am." She replied with a warm smile. "There's no one here but you."

"A pretty girl is talking to me..." He mumbled to himself although Yua didn't quite get what he was saying.

He was quiet for a few seconds and then the next thing she knew the boy was all up in her face.

"Please Marry Me!"

"Huh?!?! Now why would I do that? Baka!!!!!!!"

She screamed at him as she smacked him straight across the face.

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