11. The will of fire

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A/N : Naruto fans will probably get a kick out of my chapter name 😅. Anyways, I just thought we all deserved a bit of our favorite Flame Hashira with a happy ending chapter before Mughen train happens☹️. But not to worry, we're still a few chapters from Mughen train my dear readers.

Also, I wanted to thank you all for reading. I woke up and Moonlight had over 1K reads. WHAT?!! Seeing those numbers go up was absolutely crazy 😭. I love you all so much💜💓.

I will be doing a 1k reads special to celebrate. Keep your eyes open. Now without further adieu...

Her muscles were sore and she was still feeling a little sleepy when her crow landed gently on her shoulder.

She had barely gotten in four hours of sleep at the wisteria family house she had stumbled upon.

"Yua - sama, you are to join the flame pillar for a mission south of here." Tenma reported.

"Aah, I was hoping to get a little rest but it will be great to see Rengoku - sama again. It's been a little while since I last saw him." Yua said with a fond smile. "Alright, Tenma, lead the way."

The sun was quite warm and soothing as she soaked in the heat. It was the total opposite to her previous mission where she had had to travel at night. Travelling in the day time was far more relaxing and busy.

The pathways she used weren't as abandoned during daylight. Various merchants were travelling with their carts. At one point, she had helped a merchant from losing some goods to some petty thieves. In return, the man had given Yua a beautiful midnight blue kimono with star and moon designs. He had given her that particular one because he said he noticed how her haori was similar.

"Thank you dear child. I hope you accept this gift. It is so similar to your haori and I have a feeling it will look quite lovely on you." The man said with a smile.

"No, thank you, sir. I really don't know if I am deserving of such a beautiful gift. I will never forget your kindness." Yua said as she bowed in respect was holding the kimono delicately in her hands.

"Oh such a well mannered child!"

She was able to buy a few bento for her journey before she finally got to the forest where she was to meet the Flame Hashira.

It was an ominous forest. Not even a cricket could be heard. She was almost even afraid to breath for fear of alerting any demons of her presence.

"Tenma, do you know where exactly I can find Rengoku -sama?" She asked her loyal crow.

"Yes, my Lady." The loyal crow replied, "He is outside the cave that is just up ahead.

As if on cue, the two saw the Flame Pillar's crow fly up to them. After greeting her, Rengoku's crow swiftly led them to where he was waiting for her.

"AH, YUA, GLAD YOU COULD COME!" He exclaimed as soon as he saw her, his smile wide and bright as he greeted her.

Well, if the demon didn't know we were here, it certainly does now, Yua thought as she flinched at his loud volume.

"Rengoku -sama, you do know we should be on stealth mode, right?" She asked as she sweat dropped.

She immediately realized just how stupid she sounded. Nothing about him was stealth. The guy had flame colored hair and had a white haori with flame designs on it for crying out loud! Nothing about him was subtle.


I wasn't worried before but I am now, she thought as she anime cried.

"RIGHT. LET'S GO!" Rengoku said before he dashed into the cave.

"You could have atleast told me what we're up against, baka!" She yelled in annoyance before she raced in after him.

She figured it was given, the two of them had spent a lot of time together so much that anyone who didn't know would consider them siblings.

When she had stayed with the Master, Rengoku had spent time training her, in between her training with other Hashira. She had learned so much about him and his brother Senjuro. The three of them would spend lots of time sparring with one another. Senjuro had taken solace in her visits. After all, they had had something in common for a while. Neither of them could use any breathing techniques. Although it had been worse for Rengoku's younger brother as he wasn't even able to make his nichirin blade change color.

They had spent lots of time together talking about the future. Senjuro had even come up with a list of alternate career paths they could both pursue. They had let Rengoku in on their plans but Senjuro was still too afraid to tell their father.

Since she had managed to use a breathing technique, Yua knew she would take a different path from Senjuro's. She felt sad about having to leave her dear friend behind but she promised herself she would visit him soon an bring him lots of Sakura mochi to reminisce about their time apart.

Shaking those thoughts from her head, she decided to focus on the mission at hand. Forget that Rengoku had said squat about the demon (s) they were up against. It showed just how much he trusted her in the face of the unknown.

She unsheathed her sword, keeping a firm grip on it as she moved through the semi dark cave. There was something about the cave walls that she found unsettling but she wouldn't let her fears get to her. She scanned the mass of the cave, keeping a sharp eye for any movement.

Catching up to Rengoku, she looked him straight in the eye before giving him an understanding nod of the head.

She had sensed it at last but she needed to be certain of her assumptions.

Yua drew her sword and slashed swiftly in a singular horizontal motion in a crescent shape, creating numerous chaotic crescent blades with each blade multiplying into even more of the blades as they spread out to cut against the surface of the cave walls.

"Moon breathing, First Form : Dark Moon Evening Palace - sixfold." ( A/N : yeah I created that little variation because as you guessed, she only has a few of these breathing forms she can master so why not make the best of it 😇)

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