Wait, So What Do I Do Now? A Mission? Already? Slow Down!

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A/n: Welcome back to chapter 2. We can now begin with Y/n's transition to Jujustu High. It won't be easy, but our boy will figure out what's wrong with him.

Gojo: "You already know why you're here."

Y/n: "I didn't do anything wrong..."

Gojo: "You were born, and that's enough for the higher-ups. They want to execute you now."

Y/n: "Are you going to do it?"

Gojo: "Maybe. You know, you forgot your backpack at school."

Y/n: "How many people died?"

Gojo: "Seventeen."

Y/n: "All of them died because of me. What about the day my parents died?"

Gojo: "Eight. Listen. You aren't evil. You didn't make a mistake. You don't know how to control innate ability. That's not your fault. Let me teach you to control it. Not that you have a choice."

Y/n: "What if I want to die?"

Gojo: "I'd understand. It must be a living hell to be born with such a potent innate ability. But you're a natural talent. You can use domains and immense cursed energy. Even if you can't use them on command, it is possible."

Y/n: "But strengthening my ability will only cause more suffering."

Gojo: "That's what we think now. But I don't think that's all you can do. It's not very useful. I think you may be able to turn those negative emotions into something more."

Y/n: "So I can be helpful?"

Gojo: "You can save lives, but you need to be willing to learn. Come to school with me, and you'll find out."

Y/n: "Why should I trust you?"

Gojo: "I failed you once. That led to this, so it was partially my responsibility. Let me fix this mess. Let me fix you."

Y/n: "So I'm broken?"

Gojo: "Yes. And I'll help you put the missing pieces back together. Trust me once more."

Y/n: "Alright. I'll come with you."

Gojo: "Good. You start today."

Y/n: "What?!"

On the way to Jujustu High, Y/n and Gojo have a short conversation.

Y/n: "That was short notice."

Gojo: "At least you got a full shower."

Y/n: "My clothes still have blood on them."

Gojo: "You'll get a new uniform."

Y/n: "What happened to my gash?"

Gojo: "A bit of healing fixed that up easily. I gotta say, that kid got you good."

Y/n: "I wasn't exactly planning on being stabbed."

Gojo: "I bet you were all like, what are you gonna do, stab me?"

Y/n: "A quote from a man stabbed. But not mine. He just stuck it in me then-"

Gojo: "Dude."

Y/n: "Yeah, that's my bad. Either way, it hurt like hell. Does Geto teach here?"

Gojo: "Geto? Are you talking about Suguru Geto?"

Y/n: "You know him?"

Gojo: "Know him? He was my best friend. How do you know him?"

Y/n: "A family friend."

Gojo: "I see..."

They walk in silence for a few moments.

Y/n: "It's the blood, isn't it?"

So, What's On The Agenda Today? More Curses To Kill? (Jujutsu Kaisen x reader)Where stories live. Discover now