So, First Mission. Just Stay Calm And Execute Anything Dangerous.

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A/N: Welcome. This chapter will feature lots of good action. Plus we'll be able to see what Y/N's kouahis can do. With the stage set, grab your scythe. It's curse hunting time. Also, I've updated the exposition chapter to include Y/n's kouhais.

Gojo: "There's a big cemetery nearby."

Y/n: "There's double the trouble in that since it's also an abandoned building. That brought out a curse."

Nobara(Background): "Where the heck d'you think the rice you eat comes from?!"

Itadori: "So they really do pop up more often around graves?"

Fushiguro: "The issue isn't the cemetery itself. It's the fact that people associate with fear."

Itadori: "Oh, it was the same for schools too, wasn't it?"

Nobara: "Hold up. He didn't even know that yet?"

Fushiguro: "To be honest..."

Y/n: "He's only here because he ate someone's finger."

Itadori: "But it wasn't just anyone's finger! It was Sukuna's finger."

Nobara: "EH?! He swallowed a special-grade cursed object?!"

She distances herself from Itadori.

Nobara: "Gross! Unbelievable! That's so unsanitary and disgusting! No way, no way, no way, no way!"

Itadori: "What?!"

Fushiguro: "I'm with her."

Y/n: "Listen, Itadori. We're friends, right?"

Itadori: "S-Senpai..."

Y/n: "Itadori..."

Itadori: "Senpai, please. Don't do this..."

Y/n: "You know I'm doing this for your own good, so don't make this more difficult than this has to be."

Itadori's eyes dart in every direction out of fear.

Y/n: "That's gross. Totally disgusting. Those fingers are thousands of years old. They could've held every disease known to man living on them."

Itadori: *He drops to his knees* "Not you too!"

Y/n: "I'm sorry, kouhai. It has to be this way."

Gojo: "Glad you two are getting along nicely. We'll need that chemistry for the festival." *He looks over to the building* "I wanna know what you guys are capable of. Just think of this as a field test."

Y/n: "I remember my first test. I got eaten."

Gojo: "Nobara, Yuji. The two of you will go in and exorcise the curse inside the building."

Nobara: "Geh!"

Itadori: "Huh? I thought only curses could exorcise other curses? I can't use any jujutsu yet."

Gojo: *He turns around and points at Itadori* "You're basically half a curse already. There's cursed energy flowing through you. Though controlling that energy isn't something you can learn overnight, so use this."

Itadori's jaw drops looking at the case Gojo is holding. Even Fushiguro looks surprised.

Gojo: "It's the cursed tool, Slaughter Demon. It's a weapon imbued with cursed energy. It'll work nicely on curses."

Itadori happily puts the knife

Nobara: "Pathetic."

Y/n: No one talks to my bro like that. "To me, you're pathetic."

Nobara: "Tch. I may be a country folk, but I can easily handle a city dweller."

Y/n: "Maybe if they were the average city dweller. You'd need fifty years of non-stop practice to catch up to where I'm currently at."

So, What's On The Agenda Today? More Curses To Kill? (Jujutsu Kaisen x reader)Where stories live. Discover now