Welcome, Itdaori, To The World Of Unforgiving Curses.

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A/N: Yo. I've written another. Go ahead and take a read, won't you?

Before they set out on the last trek home, they stop by the cemetery. Y/n carries several sticks of incense. He hands two of them to Itadori.

Itadori: "You too, senpai?"

Y/n: "Hai. Both of my parents. Both my grandparents. And my Aunt and uncle. All gone in a year." And I'm not allowed to talk about the man I considered a father.

Itadori: "So your all that's left."

Y/n: "I am. It's up to me to continue the bloodline. The rest of my family on my mom's side was hunted by the three clans."

Itadori: "Three clans?"

Y/n: *He tries to put up a weak smile* "I shouldn't spoil anything. It'll be on a test sooner or later." 

Itadori: "Senpai..."

Y/n: "I'm fine. I'm not allowed to dwell on the past." I'm not allowed to cry anymore, right? 

He places the incenses on the graves of his family. After a brief moment in his domain, they begin their journey.

Y/N: "A nice day for hiking."

Itadori: "This place really is deep in the mountains! Is this actually Tokyo?"

Gojo: "Even Tokyo is like this on the outskirts."

Itadori: "Where's Fushiguro?"

Y/n: "He's been treated by a sorcerer, and should be fast asleep by now."

They continue on the path for a while longer. Before long they see the path ahead is littered with stone lanterns.

Itadori: *He looks up and points* "Is that it?"

Gojo: "There she is. Tokyo Metropalitan Jujutsu Technical High School."

Y/n: "But that's too long. So we usually just call it Jujutsu High."

Gojo: "We can claim that name since we're the better of the two."

Itadori: "There's a second?"

Gojo: "Naturally. Jujutsu High is one of two jujutsu educational facilities. On the surface, it's known as a private religious school. Many jujutsu sorcerers continue to use it as a base after graduation, so it's a pillar of the jujutsu community. Not just in education, but for support and meditation in missions."

Their path stops as a long stairway stands before them.

Gojo: "Anyhow, you're about to have an interview with the principal."

Itadori: "The principal?"

They go up the stairs while Itadori continues to look around in intrigue.

Gojo: "Screw it up and he could reject your admission, so go all-out."

Itadori: "Huh?! And then what?!" *He points to himself* "Immediate execution?!"

Y/n: "Yup! So you better work-"

???: "So you're not the boss?"

Gojo and Y/n quickly turn around after hearing the familiar voice.

Sukuna(Just a mouth): "Any hierarchy other than strength is worthless."

Itadori: *He slaps the mouth away* "Sorry, guys. He pops out sometimes."

Gojo: "What an amusing body you have now."

Y/n: "Can it eat?"

The mouth pops out of Itadori's left hand.

Sukuna(Mouth): "Yes, I can."

So, What's On The Agenda Today? More Curses To Kill? (Jujutsu Kaisen x reader)Where stories live. Discover now