So, Back To Business? Yeah, I Thought So. But What Do We Do Now?

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A/n: Welcome! This is the first chapter after the original prequel series ended! This will take place in between the one-year time skip that happens before Itadori! It's so you aren't confused by Y/n's sudden major power-up when we start the anime.

Y/n: "Come on, Yuta. No slacking off now."

Yuta: "I'm not!"

Y/n: "Something on your mind?"

Yuta: "A lot."

Y/n: "You can tell me. We kinda saved the Jujutsu world together."

Yuta: "After we almost destroyed it. We were both reasons this war happened."

Y/n: "In a way."

Yuta: "It's just, sometimes I wonder if we really are free now."

Y/n: "What do you mean?"

Yuta: "I mean, look at us. We're both cursed with something that has hurt several people. No offense, but I don't know how you get by knowing you've killed innocent people."

Y/n: "I don't. I have to accept the fact that my lack of control killed people."

Gojo: "And because of that, you might be the worst sorcerer in the jujutsu world right now."

Y/n: "But I helped save the world!"

Gojo: "You're also credited with killing Geto."

Y/n: "Why? I don't want that. Let Yuta take the credit."

Gojo: "Seeing as you were the last one seen with an alive Geto, they think you finished him off. You basically won everyone over."

Y/n: "So why would I be considered the worst sorcerer?"

Gojo: "The higher-ups still don't trust you. Plus you still killed all those innocent people."

Y/n: "Have I at least gone down a few grades since I'm starting to be able to control my abilities?"

Gojo: "Wow. You're about the only person I know who wants to be a low grade. But no. Actually, they hate you even more now. Considering if you ever turned yourself, you could reconstruct the world easily."

He scratches the back of his head.

Gojo: "In fact, they said if you ever questioned their authority, then I'm to kill you and Yuta on sight."

Yuta: "What?! Why am I included?!"

Gojo: "As you said earlier, you helped save the world. You two are partners, so they're afraid if one rebels, then so will the other."

Y/n: "I call bullshit."

Gojo: "Overruled. The higher-ups are too much for you to handle right now. You're also not allowed to bring Yuta into your domain on school grounds."

Y/n: "Or?"

Gojo: "Hey now, you're speaking dangerously. You just got off death row, stay off it."

Yuta: "But even then, if they try and hurt my friend, then I'm siding with Y/n."

Gojo: "Heh. That's what he said..."

Y/n: "Hey, I just thought of something."

Gojo: "Hm?"

Y/n: "I want to try something."

He closes his eyes and concentrates. 

Y/n: "Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."

A curtain starts to form over the school.

Gojo: "Sorry, but none of that."

He goes behind Y/n and knocks him out.

So, What's On The Agenda Today? More Curses To Kill? (Jujutsu Kaisen x reader)Where stories live. Discover now