Training Time, Alright! Who's It Gonna Be With? Wait, This Is A Mission!

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A/N: Yo. Another chapter full of questions to answer and limited time. I wonder what we'll see in this chapter? Maybe Y/n will be able to use his curse correctly? Probably not.

Y/n: Limited control over an innate domain, and I still don't know what my cursed ability is. Oh great. I'm still useless. But for how much longer?

Maki: "Are you listening to me?"

Y/n: "Hm?"

Gojo: "Hey, hey, everyone! How's it goin'?"

Y/n: "Hey, Go-"

He's hit in the face by a kendo stick.

Maki: "Pay attention to me!"

Y/N: "Hai!"

Maki: "That goes for you too, baldie!"

Yuta: "Yes, ma'am."

Maki: "Which one of you is going to get a hit on me?"

Y/n: "I will."

Yuta: "Me too!"

Maki: "Come at me!"

Y/n: "I can only use my fists. I don't know kendo."

Gojo: "What did your parents teach you?"

Y/n: "Nothing."

Gojo: "That much is apparent. Come with me. You too, Yuta."

He leads them both to a shed.

Gojo: "It's nearly impossible to exorcise a curse as strong as Rika. But unraveling it is a different case. Analyze the millions of knots of cursed energy and untie them one by one. Only you, the cursed one, can do it."

Yuta: "How?"

Gojo: "Use this."

He hands Yuta a katana.

Yuta: "A katana?"

Y/n: Why a sword?

Gojo: "A curse is most stable when possessing an item. Your connection with Rika came about from that ring. Think of it like a pipe that's already there. Invoke the curse of Rika, channel it into the katana, and control it."

Y/n: So moving her from the ring to the katana?

Gojo: "Then repeat the process, increase the energy and master it. Do this, and a bright future awaits. For you and her. As for you, Y/n."

He hands him a similar Katana.

Gojo: "You need control of your cursed energy and techniques. Some sword discipline should do you both well. Master channeling the curse into your katana... While learning how to fight. After all, you're both super weak. We're really gonna put ya through the wringer."

Y/n: "How will I train my energy with a sword?"

Gojo: "Well, the first step is grabbing that spark of cursed energy again. It's not good that you can only use domains under immense pressure. If you could do it sooner we could avoid those situations entirely. I'm hoping to evoke those feelings with training."

Y/n: "Then?"

Gojo: "Then, assuming you don't accidentally domain student, we can use your energy and make it fully realized."

Y/n: "But that wouldn't kill anyone, right?"

Gojo: "No, but the high-ups are looking for any reason to go through with killing you. So if they saw you had used that technique, then they'll see it as a threat. Then they'll send someone and..."

He makes a decapitation signal

Gojo: "So for now, we need to retrieve your cursed energy. The rest will come naturally."

So, What's On The Agenda Today? More Curses To Kill? (Jujutsu Kaisen x reader)Where stories live. Discover now