Room For One More?

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A/N: Yo. Welcome. So, I'm not going to be following the anime/manga 1 to 1. That was probably obvious by the Fuji fight. Anyhow, I'm going to continue that trend of story original chapters. Since Y/N would demolish the finger bearer, and I feel like the twins need some development, an original is in order.

Y/n: "Ready for your first mission as a group? I'm not going to be there to monitor your progress this time."

Nobara: "You aren't allowed to go with us?"

Itadori: "He says we can handle this one."

Fushiguro: "It's a simple finger retrieval. It shouldn't be anything we can't handle."

Y/n: "Do you like planting flowers? I swear, you guys aren't careful about what you say. Not one bit. You should know the power of words, Megumi."

Fushiguro: "Right, sorry. We're prepared to exercise anything that comes our way."

Y/n: "That's better." *He turns to Nobara* "It's not that I'm forbidden to go, but he wants to test you guys. With no safety breaks, this time."

Nobara: "But after last time..."

Y/n: "Head up, Nobara. That was your first mission of many. We've all failed once or twice. Failures make us who we are. Whether it's a lesson about ourselves or a lesson about the world around us. Even Gojo has failed before."

Gojo: "Hey, hey, hey. No more of that."

He puts a finger over Y/n's mouth.

Gojo: "But he is right. Failure is an important step in growth. Don't be afraid to fail. The consequences that follow are always worse." *He smiles* "Look at them, Y/N. All dolled up for their first solo mission."

He removes his finger and takes out his phone.

Gojo: "Alright everyone, don't be a stranger. Get closer."

He pushes the students closer to each other.

Itadori: "Sensei?"

Y/n: "It's a tradition to take a group photo of each class's first solo mission."

Fushiguro: "Do we really have time for this?"

Gojo: "Not if you keep squirming."

Once they're all in the perfect position, he snaps a photo.

Gojo: "Great!"

He smiles before putting away his phone.

Gojo: "Remember to use everything you've been taught to dispatch any curses."

Y/n: "If things get dire, don't be afraid to call for backup."

Gojo: "Even if this is an evaluation of you guys as a team, there won't be a team left if you're all dead."

Y/n: "If things get out of hand, or Sukuna makes a guest appearance, call on me."

Itadori: "Hai!"

Ready and reassured, the group leaves for their first solo mission.

Gojo: "Look at them. They're all grown up now. I'm so proud of them."

Y/n: "Whatever it is they find out there, I'm more than confident in them."

Nanako: "Oi, Y/n-kun! Are you done over there? Any longer Mimiko's going to get angry!"

Mimiko: "N-No I'm not!"

Gojo: "Going out, huh? Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's not going to happen. You've been requested by the Public Safety Curse Hunters."

Y/n: "Huh? Those guys? Aren't they all super weak? Their missions are a walk in the park for even grade one sorcerers."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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