Know Him? Of Course I Do! Wait, That's A Bad Thing?

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A/n: Now we get to the war part of 0. It's starting to get interesting now. While our boy isn't the strongest, he can still make an impact while training. With Geto coming back into his life, I wonder how it'll affect him?

The first-years are walking to class when Yuta stops.

Panda: "What's up, Yuta?"

Yuta: "Um... I've got a bad feeling."

Y/n: "Like what?"

Maki: "It's just his imagination."

Panda: "For sure."

Toge: "Fish flakes."

Yuta: "Wait, you guys!"

He tries to catch up with everyone.

Panda: "Your awareness of cursed energy is whack."

Y/n: I feel something too. Could it be that Geto is coming to visit?

Maki: "Since Rika's with you all the time, your senses are off."

Toge: "Tuna."

They turn around to the approaching danger.

Maki: "Wouldn't you know it."

Panda: "Yuta's right."

Y/n: "It's him."

Maki: "It's an intruder, right?"

Panda: "I've never seen a curse like that."

Toge: "Salted fish roe."

Yuta: "Wow. That's one big bird."

Y/n: "I think it's a pelican."

Geto: "Still the same as always."

Nanko: "Whoa, master Geto, this is Tokyo? So country!"

Mimiko: "Nanoko, that was rude."

Nanako: "What? You think so too, right?"

Larue: "Hurry up and get down!"

Yuta: "Aren't you cold?"

Y/n: "He's probably trained for this."

Yuta: "Who are they?"

Nanako: "Wow! It's a panda! So cute!"

Panda: "Who are you? Mr. Yuta won't forgive intruders."

Toge: "Kelp!"

Yuta: "What?!"

Maki: "Get out before Mr. Yuta knocks ya' out!"

Yuta: "What?!"

Y/n: "As Mr. Yuta's right hand, I can confirm."

Geto: "Ah, Y/n. How's it been?"

Y/n: "It's going. I thought you weren't allowed on school grounds?"

Geto: "I'm not. But if I'm going to break rules, why not see you while doing so."

Y/n: "You brought the family, too?"

Geto: "Naturally."

Nanako: "Oi! Y/n-kun! What are you doing here?"

Y/n: "Training! What about you?!"

Nanako: "I wanted to try that crepe place!"

Y/n: "The one near Takeshita street?!"

Nanako: "Yeah! That one!"

Mimiko: "We should stop yelling. We could go over there."

Nanako: "And walk on that ground? We have standards. We aren't in the country anymore."

So, What's On The Agenda Today? More Curses To Kill? (Jujutsu Kaisen x reader)Where stories live. Discover now