Chapter Eleven

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Luna and Griffin were out in the woods, roaming around since there wasn't anything else they could do. Their older sister was supposed to be supervising them, but she went off and told them to not stray too far from the camp site.

Griffin was still afraid of the dark, but he wouldn't admit that, because he was 10 years old. So, he was holding onto his sister's arm the whole time they were walking. Luna wasn't frightened at all though. She's been in the woods lots of times, because her family often goes camping, so she knew where she was going.
The two siblings walked for a while, until they heard what sounded like numerous wolves howling.

"Luna? Did you hear that?" Griffin asked.

"Yeah, I did."

They heard the howling again, only this time it sounded like it was much closer than before.

"Come on." Luna said. "We should get back to Mom and Dad."

Griffin agreed with his sister and followed her back to camp.

When they got there, they couldn't believe their eyes. Both of their parents were on the ground, covered in blood, laying lifeless near each other. The pair was speechless. Did the wolves they heard earlier pass by and cause this?

"Mom? Dad?" Griffin knelt down by his now dead parents. His eyes started to fill up with tears, as he realized that they weren't going to wake up anytime soon.

"What the hell happened?" Luna asked in astonishment. Then she realized her sister was still in potential danger. "Where's Jen?"

"I'm in here." A voice called out from behind a tent. Her older sister, Jen, stepped out into the scene. "Thank God you two are okay." She said and hugged her younger siblings. "We have to leave, now."

"I'm not leaving without Mom and Dad."

"Griffin, there's nothing you can do about this." Jen said. "Trust me, we can't stay here any longer. Luna, go find the keys to the car. Griffin, come with me. I'm taking you in the car."

Griffin hesitated, but slowly turned around to his older sister, and followed her back to her parent's car in the parking lot.

"Oh sure, leave me alone to find the keys." Luna said to herself. She searched everywhere for them. The tents, her parent's pockets, even under some rocks, but she couldn't find them. "Where the hell could they be?"

Luna wandered off a little past the camp site, thinking that maybe the keys somehow got tossed out towards the woods. She managed to walk a couple feet before stopping in her tracks out of paranoia. Luna looked around her, fearing that someone, or something was staring at her. After a few seconds, she shrugged the feeling off, and continued searching. Meanwhile, off hiding by a couple of trees, Sapphire was watching Luna closely, examining her every movement.

Sapphire was aware that the rest of her pack went off, but she decided to stay and carry out her mission of killing the hunter's offspring. She was having a hard time coping with her father's death. Even though Sapphire and her father weren't all that close, she still wanted revenge on the hunters.

"You know, now would be a perfect time to strike, if you're gonna do it."

Sapphire turned to see who was talking, and found Topaz walking towards her.

"I thought you left with the others."

"I did, then I noticed that you and Artemis weren't with us. I got worried, and requested for the other wolves to search for you two. Unfortunately, I was the only one who decided to look for you. Everyone else went to look for your sister."

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