Chapter Twenty-Six

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Warning: This chapter has been rated "R" for mature content.

Sapphire's POV:

I woke up to the sound of soft snores in my right ear. I slowly turned my head to see Luna who was latched onto my arm. Her head was resting on the part of the blanket that covered my bare chest.

I repositioned myself so that I was now sitting up, and without waking Luna, her head was now resting on my lap. She squeezed on to the blanket that was still wrapped around my body, and a soft moan escaped from her lips. A few strands of her dark brown hair fell in front of her face. I gently moved it out of the way, and just sat there staring at her for the longest while. I sighed in content and a small smile formed on my face.

"You think she's still mad at us?" My wolf suddenly asked.

At that question, my smile disappeared. "I don't know." Was all I said.

My wolf whimpered. Neither her or I liked the fact that we fought with our mate the other day, or that it was the first time Luna was actually upset with a mistake I had made.

"At least you were honest and told the truth." My wolf commented. I nodded in agreement. I didn't want Luna to find out about Darcy and I through another source. I thought it would've been better if I told her myself.

A few minutes passed, which consisted of me playing with Luna's hair. Soon enough, she woke up. She looked up at me and jolted up in surprise. "You're awake!?" It was more of a question than a statement.

"I've been awake for a while. But, how long have I been out?" To me, it felt like I was in a coma for three years.

"You passed out last night after the fight." Luna looked at the clock. "It's 3pm right now, so you've slept through the whole morning, as usual." She stretched her arms out. "I've been checking on you often, to see if you'd wake up, but I guess this time I ended up falling asleep."

"I guess so." Was all I said before my stomach interrupted the conversation. "Damn, all that rest was nice and all, but I'm hungry as hell." I complained while rubbing my stomach. "I'm gonna take a shower, then I'll meet you downstairs."

Luna nodded then got off the bed. I watched as she exited the room. When she shut the door behind her, I made my way to the bathroom. My body was still aching since last night, but the pain was bearable. After my shower, I got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. I was too lazy to make anything, so I settled with a bowl of cereal. Once I finished eating, I went to join Luna, who was sitting on the living room couch, watching TV.

We sat next to each other in an awkward silence. After a few moments, Luna turned off the TV, and turned to look at me. "Look, I'm sorry for what happened last night."

"You shouldn't be, it was kind of my fault."

"Still, I overreacted. I shouldn't have ran off like how I did. I should've talked it out with you."

I inched closer to her. "We're bound to have a few fights while we're together. Let's just forget that this one ever happened, okay?"

Luna nodded. She rested her head against my chest, and I rubbed her back.

"Oh, by the way, in case you woke up, Artemis wanted me to tell you that her and the others were going to be out for the whole day. So we're in charge of guarding this place."

"Where did they go?" I asked.

"I think she said that they were going to meet with your older brother and sister. I forgot their names though..." She shrugged.

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