Chapter Twenty

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Carmen's POV

"Hey Carmen?" Somebody was knocking on my room door. "Carmen, open up. It's me, Artemis."

I groaned, and stopped what I was doing. I went to open the door, but didn't even bother to communicate with Artemis.

"You're packing already?"

"Well yeah, I have to leave by this afternoon, as ordered, and it's close to noon already." I stated the obvious and zipped up the final bag. I let out a sigh of relief as I was finally done packing.

"Do you even know where you're going to go?" Artemis asked with concern in her voice.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I just know that I can't stay here. I'm not allowed to, and you, Topaz, and Zev won't even fight to let me stay, so why should it matter?"

Artemis flinched at my statement. She knew I was right. When the Elders decided it was best for me to leave and become a rogue, the three of them didn't protest. I was fine with the decision though. I've realized how fake this family was. I made an attempt to help my sister save her mate from death, and it's been seen as treason. I wasn't about to stay in a pack that was so willing to kill a member's mate.

I picked up most of my bags. I was probably going to have to come back sometime to get the rest of my stuff.

"Here, let me help." Artemis picked up the remainder of my stuff.

"Don't." I protested. "You've helped enough."

"I know a place where you can stay." She called out while walking outside to her car.

She now had my full attention. "Oh really? Where?" I asked and decided to put my stuff in the trunk of her car.

"Just get it." She ordered. I nodded, and got in the passenger seat. Artemis started the car and drove away. She drove along a path in the woods, and eventually came to a stop in front of a suspicious looking house.

"Where are we?"

"This house used to be Sapphire and I's hangout spot. My uncle built this a long time ago. Sapphire and I would come here all the time as kids." Artemis explained. I sensed some kind of hurt in her voice, but I didn't push on it.

We got out of the car. "You can go see if the door is open. If not, there should be a key under the mat. I'll get your stuff."

I walked up to the front porch and found that the door was unlocked. There was already some stuff inside. It seemed like somebody had already settled in. I did smell a sort of unfamiliar scent, so I did feel a bit uneasy.

Artemis soon came into view. "Uh, you might not be the only one living here."

"How do you know? Who else is here?"

"Sapphire's car was in the driveway. But, I saw no sign of her."

Just as she said that, Sapphire stepped inside. Once she saw us, tension quickly filled the air. She looked at us with rage filled in her bright eyes. "What the hell are you two doing here?" She sneered.

"Look," Artemis stepped up, "before you freak out, just let us explain."

"You shut the fuck up. You still owe me answers. Which one of you ratted me out?"

Artemis and I looked at each other, then back to Sapphire. She was breathing heavy. I wasn't sure what to do. Should I tell her, or should I just keep my mouth shut?

"It was me."

I quickly turned my head back to Artemis. My eyes widened in total shock. Did she just rat herself out?

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