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Luna's POV

"Ace, stop pestering your little cousin!"

"But Mommy...!"

"I don't want to hear any 'buts.' You know better than to pick on Opal like that." I waved a finger at the three year old boy in front of me. "And you," I turned to his cousin, "you're a year older than him. Why haven't you kicked his ass yet?"

"Because my moms said I have to be good while I'm here. Fighting isn't good."

"Yeah, well, your moms aren't here." I motioned to our house. "So since Im your babysitter, I'm giving you permission to fight back."

"No fair Mommy!"

"Ace," I looked at my son, "It's no okay for you because you're a boy. You know boys should never hit girls."

My son pouted, but left his cousin alone.

I tended to my niece and son's needs for a few hours. The two mostly bickered at each other while watching TV. I sat at a nearby table and attempted to focus on an school work while watching those two at the same time. I found that to be impossible though. The work they give out in graduate school is nothing compared to the stuff I got in my regular four years of college.

Before I knew it, the doorbell ran, causing me to jump in my seat. I got up and opened the door to see my sister standing outside.

I sighed. "I'm glad you're back... Where's your wife?"

"She's out looking for your fiancé." Jen stepped inside.

"Momma, Momma!" Opal ran up an attacked her mother with a bear hug. "Where's Ma?"

"Ma will be back soon." Jen picked up her daughter, brushed some of her short, brown hair to the side, and kissed her forehead. "Did you behave yourself while I was at work?"

Opal nodded. "Aunty Luna let me kick Ace's ass." The girl exclaimed proudly while pointing to me.

Feeling my sister's hard glare on me, I turned around and started whistling, pretending that I didn't know anything.

"Oh Luna," Jen groaned, "Why?"

"Hey, she's gonna have to learn how to defend herself someday." I shrugged.

"But not now, not while she's just a toddler." Jen released her daughter, who went back to sit with my son.

"She's only human. Ace is a werewolf." I pointed out. "I just think it'd be helpful to her to know how to fight, so that when Ace's wolf appears, he won't be defending her all the time." I looked over at the two children. "Plus, when they spar in the future, they'll be evenly matched."

"What makes you think they'll end up practicing on each other when they're older?"

I pointed to our kids in the living room. Ace was bothering Opal once more. Opal, in return, puffed her cheeks in anger, but moved her stubby legs in order to kick my son in the knee.

"They fight now, you know it will carry on in the future."

Jen rubbed her temples, but went to break up the two.

The doorbell rang again. "Who is it this time?" I sighed. I opened the door once more, but this time was greeted by Artemis.

"Hey, Jen here?"

"Yeah, she's dealing with the kids." I stepped aside to let my sister-in-law through.

"Great." Artemis smiled, showing off her teeth. "Oh, by the way, Sapphire's outside. She wants a pair of clothes to change into."

I Could Be Your Hero (GirlxGirl) [Lesbian Story]Where stories live. Discover now