Chapter Four

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Sapphire's POV:

Upon arriving at the mall's parking garage, I noticed how empty it was. Like legit, it was empty. There was only like two or three cars in the whole thing.

"Sapphire!" Artemis' voice ran through my head. "Over here." I saw a wolf with brown fur staring straight at me. I knew it was my sister, because I recognized her scent.

Not too far away from where she was standing were James and Alisha, surrounding a human teenage girl and a younger human boy. Those are the humans that Artemis must've been talking about.

I quietly snuck over to where my sister was hiding, hoping that my cousins wouldn't pick up my scent in the process. "How long have they cornered them to the car?"

"For a minute or two."

"They could pounce on them at any minute. Come on, we have to stop hiding and help them."

"That's just like you. You're always ready to spring into action without thinking things through."

"Oh, and what do you suppose we do, Princess?" I growled.

"I say you go distract them before they make any moves. Try to talk to them, and reason with them. I'll try to help those humans out to safety."

"Why me?" I whined.

"Hey, that's your potential mate down there, do you want her to get torn apart by our own family!?"

"Right.. You know for once you-.." Before I could compliment my sister for coming up with a smart plan for once, a blue sports car swirled around between our cousins and the two humans.

Out from the car came out another female, who was most likely a young adult. I didn't catch any kind of scent from her, so she couldn't be another shape shifter, like my family. But, the energy level that I caught from her told me that she wasn't a regular human also.

"Okay, never mind on my plan. If we go down there then we'll get killed." My sister crawled farther back in our hiding space.

"What? Why? How come?"

"That woman that stepped out of her car... She's no ordinary human."

"Well, no duh, I can sense the amount of energy her body is giving off. But, what is she?" Whatever she was, she's nothing that I've ever came across before.

"Two words: Werewolf Hunter."

Jen's POV:

I was at work when I sensed that my siblings were in danger. And to think that I even decided that it was alright for them to step foot out of the house. Obviously, it was not a good idea.

I told my boss there was a family emergency, and he granted me permission to clock out of work. I rushed out of the building as fast as I could, leaving the pizza that I was working on in the oven, and zipped down the highway. I made it to the mall in a matter of five minutes, and parked my car between two wolves and my brother and sister. It's a shame I didn't run over those beasts though.

I stepped out of the car and slammed the door behind me. I was facing the two wolves that were trying to harm my brother and sister, and gave them a look to tell them that I wasn't playing around.

"Well, well.. James. Alisha. It's been awhile, hasn't it?"

The two only growled, trying to seem tough, but I knew they're not all that they seem to be.

"C'mon, you know I dont understand you dumb canines. One of you shift back to human, so we can actually have a heart to heart conversation?"

The brown wolf lifted its head up, and ran off to hell knows where. Soon after, a young woman, about 24 years old stepped out from the direction where the brown wolf ran to. She stood at 5'2, and had short brown hair just like the wolf did.

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