Chapter Thirty-Five

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All the shifters were all in their wolf form. The hunters had their weapons ready, and the one medic had his first aid kit ready in case of any possible injuries.

Carmen was on lookout along with Lily. Fortunately, they were friendly towards one another. Since Lily couldn't read Carmen's mind, they came up with a simple and easy system in order to communicate; Carmen would bark once for suspicious activity, and twice if she saw danger. Lily would do the same, but would shoot one of her hunting guns instead.

Back at the house, everyone else was preparing themselves. Darcy was keeping Sapphire company in the front yard. They were waiting for the rest of the group to step out.

Sapphire kept pacing around, kicking a fairly small pebble around. Darcy noticed how nervous the girl looked. "You okay?"

"A little." Sapphire confessed.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll kick ass." Darcy stood up with confidence.

Sapphire stopped walking around and sighed. "Its not us I'm primarily worried about."

Darcy walked towards her acquaintance, and nuzzled into her midnight fur. "She'll be alright. I mean, she's not alone, she'll have her siblings with her. Plus, she's been training with you."

Sapphire stayed quiet, but rested her was on Darcy's blonde fur.

After a few minutes, everyone finally made their way outside. Artemis stepped an greeted her sister. "You ready to go?"

Sapphire nodded.

Before Artemis could signal for the others to start moving, everyone froze when they heard a gunshot go off and then another. They them heard a howl in the distance. Artemis ad Sapphire automatically knew it was Carmen. To make things worse, the two sisters caught a few scents of their older siblings.

"They're here." Sapphire said, looking at her older sister.

Artemis barked at the group, letting everyone know to get going. Jack got on Sam's chocolate brown back and strapped on a bag filled with the various medication. His brother, Peter, climbed on Leo's back and steadied his bows and arrows. Then everyone took off towards the forest.

Back at Carmen and Lily's position, the pack had made an arrival. Everyone made an appearance in their wolf form, ready to go at it, but they were disappointed when they only saw one wolf and one hunter waiting for them.

"Carmen," Elder Nikki stepped up to the girl, "where's your backup? Surely they didn't leave you and this hunter alone to die?"

Carmen did nothing but snarl at her. She stepped in front of Lily, shielding her from the others.

"Wait," Elder Roth spoke up, "the others seem to be arriving."

The pack looked up towards the horizon. Their eyes caught the sight of their younger blood along with a few other wolves they didn't recognize, an of course, a few humans, but not the ones they were after.

"Where are your mates?" Alisha called out. "I was really hoping to teach that little brat who shot me with an arrow a lesson."

Carmen growled at the mention of Griffin.

"And what about the two sisters? Where are they hiding."

"Shut it, Alisha." Sapphire growled. "If you want to know where they are, then you're gonna have to try to force it out of us."

"Sapphire, calm down." Artemis told we sister. She turned back towards the pack. "Look, there's no need for this. Can't we just sit down and talk everything out? These specific hunters aren't a threat to us."

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