Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Sapphire's POV

The four wolves slowly approached us. One had bleach blonde fur, another with chocolate brown fur, one had black fur like mine only it had blue eyes. The last wolf was hiding behind the one with black fur. It seemed to be the smallest, and I think it had blonde fur also.

"Stay where you are." I commanded. My alpha tone was coming out. "Identify yourselves." I growled.

"Allies from the Clover pack." The one with black fur stepped up. I growled, telling him to keep his distance. "Artemis had requested that we fight with you in an upcoming battle. Who might you be?"

"I'm Sapphire, Artemis' younger sister."

"Sapphire? Oh, I haven't seen you in so long." The wolf stepped up to me. He was a bit larger than me. "The last time I saw you, you haven't even shifted yet." His blue eyes gleamed. "Now your almost as tall as me in wolf form, I can only imagine how much you've grown."

"Um, sorry, but who are you?"

"I used to go to school with your sister. I'm Leo. You don't remember me, do you?"

I thought for a while, trying to get my brain to process all of this. "Leo? Wait, you used to date Artemis right? Before she found out that she liked girls?"

He nodded his furry head.

"Of course, how could I forget." I rolled my eyes.

Leo gave me a wolfy grin. He then noticed Luna, who was still standing behind me. "And, who is this lovely young woman? Uh, no, let me guess... This is your mate, isn't it?"

I nodded, then motioned for Luna to step forward. "It's okay, he's with us."

Leo bowed his head, and Luna gently rubbed his fur. She turned towards me. "You know, if it wasn't for the blue eyes, I would've thought that you two are twins."

"Pleeease," I rolled my eyes at her, "I have enough brothers and sisters in my life." I turned my attention back to the other wolves. "Leo, who else is with you."

"Oh, them?" He motioned to the others. "These are our strongest fighters in the pack." He walked up to the wolf with bleach blonde fur. "This is Isabelle, my mate. She's excellent at tracking." Next he made his way to the wolf with brown fur. "This is the wisest one of the bunch, Sam. He's been involved in multiple battles. He's our most skillful fighter. And this is... Where did she go?"

Leo was looking around for the last wolf, the other one with a more dirty blonde fur. "She was just here a second ago." He kept looking around. "Oh, there she is." He walked over to a tree, then popped out dragging the wolf by her tail. She was clawing at the ground, trying to go back into her hiding place. Her light brown eyes were pointed towards the ground, but once glancing at them, everything seemed to click.

"Darcy!?" I basically shouted.

"Damn it, God fucking damn it." She murmured.

Leo finally let go of Darcy's tail. "Oh, you two know each other?"

"Unfortunately." She said.

"Why is she here?" I asked.

"Darcy is Isabelle's little sister. She's the smallest of the bunch. Her size gives her an advantage. because her enemies think that she'll be the weakest and easiest target. In reality, she's a really good fighter, and she's excellent at deceiving the enemy."

I looked over at Darcy, who still wouldn't look at me. "Is everything he said true?"

"Yeah, I guess." She rolled her eyes at me.

I nodded. "Luna, do you think you can bring them back to the house?"

"By myself? I don't know... What if they're not who they say they are?"

"You'll be fine." I nuzzled my head against my mate's body. "I would go with you, but I have to stay and guard the area. If you need me though, just call, and I'll come to your side."

"Can you ask them to at least shift into human form?"

I nodded. Lucky for Luna, they had no problem with it. They had bags filled with their clothes so they all went to get changed where we wouldn't see them. Isabelle looked so much like Darcy, but you could obviously tell that she was older, plus Isabelle's eyes were a bit darker. Leo was a tall fellow. He had sleek black hair that made you just want to run your hands through. Finally, Sam had short brown hair, and he was starting to grow a beard, nothing to extreme though.

I beckoned them out from the premises. The moon started to make its presence known, so hopefully it wouldn't be too dark for them.

I decided to check on the fire that I had created earlier. There were barely any flames left, and the wind was starting to blow, causing the temperature to drop more. My body temperature may be higher than the average human, but I can only handle the cold for a limited amount of time.

I went to gather more wood then I remade the fire. I made myself comfortable near the heat, and laid myself down. I didn't sense anyone else in the area, so I decided to close my eyes for a while and take a small nap. I just hope Luna and the others make it back safe and sound.

Luna's POV

I escorted our new allies back to the house. The whole time, I felt Darcy's eyes trying to pierce into my soul. Once we reached our destination, we immediately saw Artemis and Jen snuggling outside one the front steps.

"Artemis!" Leo shouted. "I see you're still popular with the ladies, eh?"

Artemis blushed, then mumbled something before putting her head down in her arms. My sister was trying to hold in her laughter.

Leo, Isabelle, and Sam went to mingle with my sister and Artemis. Darcy stayed behind, and tapped me on my shoulder.

"What?" I asked.

"So, we're seriously here just to protect you and your sister?"

"Yeah, and my little brother." I crossed my arms. "Why?"

Darcy scoffed. "This is ridiculous. Because my sister's mate is an alpha, I'm being forced to fight my own kind to protect a bunch of hunters who might end up killing us in the near future."

"I don't have any intentions of killing you, as long as you stay on my good side."

"Another thing, I still don't see what Sapphire sees in you." She eyed me. "You don't even seem that great of a fighter, yet alone a girlfriend."

"Are you freaking serious?" I raised my voice. "I want to know what she saw in you. You've been nothing but bitchy to me everytime we meet."

"Maybe it's because I don't particularly like you." She said in an obvious tone. "You should be thanking me though. I'm fighting on your side after all."

"Yeah, whatever." I shook my head. "Maybe after the fight, I'll think about it." I left Darcy outside, and went inside the house.

I made my way into my room, technically Sapphire's, and went into the closet. I searched for my spare hunter equipment.

Jen was skilled with traps, though, I'm pretty sure she can turn anything into a weapon, even an air particle. Griffin was apparently good with arrows. I was good with knives though. I owned a set of hunting knives, some made out of silver, a wolf's ultimate weakness. All of them have a curved blade.

I packed up some of my weapons. I told my sister that I was going to head back and accompany Sapphire near the territory border. I made my way out the house, and wandered off into the woods again.

I wasn't scared, surprisingly. I had been training my ass off every chance I could. I wasn't a scared, defenseless, ordinary girl anymore. I knew had to protect myself now.

About 10 to 15 minutes later, I saw a small fire burning. I also saw a big black ball of fur, curled up next to it. Sapphire was sound asleep and snoring up a storm. I kneeled down next to her, and softly shook her awake.

Sapphire slowly woke up. Once her eyes has opened, she jumped up, scanning he area. "What's going on? Are we under attack?"

"Everything's fine! Calm down." I laughed.

Sapphire turned to me, and instantly calmed down. She sighed, then laid back down, curling her body around me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I apologized while resting my back against her fur.

"It's okay. I'm just glad you made it back to me without getting hurt." She snuggled closer to me.

I smiled, and made myself more comfortable. Soon enough, I heard Sapphire snoring again. I shook my head, but then I soon found myself drifting off into sleep.

Artemis' POV

"Seriously though, you finally settled down and got yourself a mate, eh? Well, isn't that great. You know..."

"Jesus, does this guy ever shut up!?" My head was resting on the palm of my hand. I had blocked Leo out for a good majority of the time that he was talking.

Jen and Isabelle were chatting it up in the kitchen. Sam was walking around the house, observing everything in site. He was a bit... Strange. Darcy, on the other hand, was sitting on the living room couch, looking out the window.

Leo was still talking about some shut I didn't care to hear. Griffin came out from my sister's room and went into the kitchen.

"Hey, Leo," I suddenly interrupted the chatter box, "I'll be right back." I got up and walked to Carmen's door. "Hey Car?" I softly knocked on the door.

Carmen opened the door. "Yeah?"

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

She nodded, then beckoned me inside. She shut the door behind her. "What's up?"

"I should be asking you that. Is everything okay between you and Griffin?"

My sister sighed, then sat down on her bed. "I told him that I was in love with him."

My eyes widened a little. "How did he react?"

"I... I think he rejected me."

I'm so evil lol. Poor Carmen. :/
So, I see the story has 40,000 plus views. Holy cheese balls, thank you guys for your love for this story. Hugs for all of you. ;)
Btw, I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving!

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