Chapter Thirty-Six

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Sapphire's POV

I was still running around trying to track down my grandmother. I was able to catch sight of her. She was running in broad daylight in the middle of the streets. People stared at her with a "what the fuck!?" look planted on their faces.

Unfortunately, she sensed me following her. She saw me tracking her down in the shadows, and picked up he speed. She even knocked down a few humans that were in her path.

I growled in annoyance. While she was getting closer to her destination, I was losing her scent. I had to make sure that no one saw me, which meant taking the longest and most difficult routes. I had to climb over walls, go around buildings, and stay in the shadows.

I finally reached Luna's place after a good long run. Strange enough, I didn't sense my grandma here at all. Looks like I beat her after all. She could still be close behind though, so I kept lookout.

I walked around to the backyard. I noticed how some parts of the grass were showing brown spots. That's what happens when you abandon your house for some time. I can't imagine how empty the inside of the place looked.

I approached the front door. I briefly stood up on my hind legs to scratch on the door. I let out a small howl to signal my presence. I was acting more like a domestic dog than a wolf, and I shook my head in embarrassment once I noticed that.

But, my calling worked. The door unlocked, and was pulled open. I didn't see anyone behind it though.

I slowly stepped inside and scanned around. I stopped once I entered the hallway. I then heard the door shut behind me, and the next thing I knew, a sharp pain went through my back. I looked over my shoulder to see a knife that had been inserted in my skin.

"What the hell!?" I said in confusion.

The attacker then ripped the knife out and revealed its long curves blade, which managed to rip out some fur and skin. I howled out and felt my legs give out, causing me to fall to the ground. They then came around and knelt down.


My eyes launched themselves open, recognizing that angelic voice. "Luna, what the fuck was that for!?"

"Oh god, I'm sorry!" She covered her mouth wit her hands. "I heard a howl and scratching outside. I thought we were under attack. I've been I guard bee since you warned that your grandma was coming." She paused. "Why didn't you just tell me you were at my door!?"

I growled to myself. How did I not think of that. "Because I'm a dumb fuck." I chuckled.

Luna stroked the side of my face. She gave me a look showing me just how sorry she was. I licked her hand to let her know that it was no big deal.

We heard footsteps approaching. Jen soon came into view, along with Griffin who had his bow and arrow in hand.

"Luna," Jen called, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, but Sapphire needs attention."

"Sapphire?" Jen looked down and saw me on the floor. "What happened?"

"I'll explain later... Griffin go get me some rubbing alcohol and bandages."

Griffin nodded, set his weapons down, and went to get what his sister requested. He quickly came back with the needed equipment and gave it to Luna.

Luna opened the bottle of alcohol. "This is going to hurt, like, a lot." She claimed, and before I could protest, she poured it over my wound. I snarled out in pain.

After a few seconds, the pain subsided a bit. I sat up slightly so that the bandages could be wrapped around my torso and back. I was able to walk after a few moments.

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