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He hadn't shown up.

It wasn't like he vowed to show up every night.

But Mel had gotten used to it.

She didn't know if it was bad or good.

But her mind was choosing the latter.

She sighed as she picked up a new novel, trying to concentrate on it,but she was worried?

She was worried,but she was sure he was fine.

She quickly remembered that Amelia was in her room last night,and Mel remembered her putting a paper under her lamp.

She picked it up,and read through it's contents.

Damien's number.

She remembered Amelia's words.
"He's your friend,yet you don't have his number," she scribbled something on a piece of paper and winked. "I know you'll need it"

Mel chuckled as she dialed his number.

He didn't pick up. Instead,his number was engaged. Hmm..

Mel decided to give the poor boy space. He was dealing with a lot concerning his grandfather.

She sighed as she dropped the novel on her nightstand and closed her eyes. Trying to rest a bit before she slept.




It was dark,it was cold.

Melanie didn't know where she was,but she was definitely somewhere.

"He needs you!" Her granny's weak voice said.

"Who?" Mel whispered as sweat gathered on her forehead

"Save him from the monster!"

"What monster?"

"Quick,run! He's behind you!"

"Who?" Mel whispered as a strong pair of hands lifter her up from the ground.


The owner of the strong hands chuckled.

"One more added to my list" the husky voice growled.

"Help!!!" Was all she yelled as her eyes opened.

She wiped her eyes with the back of her palm as she stretched to grab a glass of water.

She gulped it down her throat and sighed.

She had been having nightmares for years now,and she didn't know what they meant.

All she knew was that after her granny died,she began to have nightmares.

The day she woke up from her coma was the day it began,and she didn't know what to do,who to talk to and how to resolve it.

If she had a good day,the nightmares would be less violent.

But she had to admit that they reduced when Damien was around.

She didn't know how he affected her dreams,

She sighed as she grabbed the novel on her nightstand.

She was afraid to sleep off.

She didn't know what nightmare was awaiting her,so she decided to stay awake.

&&& ____ +++ ((()))
"Are you listening,Mel?" Anthony asked

"Yes" she nodded as she drank her vegetable smoothie

"You don't seem like you're listening," Tony sighed. "And you don't look alright either. What's up?"

"It's nothing, really" she assured him.

"You can always talk to me," Tony said and smiled at her. "The same way you talk with Damien" he muttered.

Mel raised a brow.
"What's that all about?"

"I don't know.. you just seem so comfortable confiding in him" Tony shrugged.

"I guess so," Mel said and gave a nonchalant shrug. "Have you seen him by the way?"

Tony shook his head.
"I haven't seen him since literature class"

"He's also not picking my calls"

This made Mel very worried,and it also made her question her emotions

She didn't know why she was this worried about the same guy she felt intimidated by just a few months ago. She hadn't felt this before;how her heart jerked when he wasn't around,and how her heart melted when he laughed.
It was very new,and just like the other times,she shrugged it off,but this time....her shrugs weren't chasing it away.

She needed advice.


And if she needed the truth to be told to her face,then she knew just the person to meet.

*** ***
"Why are you frowning? This is great!"

"No. No, it's not. Please don't lie to me" Mel sighed.

"I'm not lying to you,Mel," Amelia sighed. "I'm telling the truth" she placed both hands on Mel's shoulders and made her look at her.

Mel's eyes stayed fixed on her laps.

"Hey,look at me," Amelia smiled. Mel looked up. "With everything you explained to me,then I think it's safe to conclude that you like him. And this is not just a fling or infatuation,but you actually like him. I observed you when you spoke just a second ago,and all I could see was care," Amelia stopped to see if Mel understood. "You're worried about his wellbeing,and that...., I like" she grinned.

Mel was not finding this funny at all. She didn't want anything to get in the way of her grades. She didn't want the face of anyone to pop up in her head when she tried to think straight.

"I know you're confused,but just go with the flow.. Damien makes you happy and giddy,and I know you may think you do not need to be happy,but your body thinks so. Your parents think so. Your twin thinks so,and I think so. I also think Damien thinks so" she chuckled,and a small smile spread across Mel's lips.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Amelia cheered as she tossed her wrapper of chocolate on the floor.

"But how do I tell him? I mean... I don't think I'm ready-"

"No,no," Amelia said. "You don't have to tell him yet. Understand what's going on with you before informing him... There's a slight chance that if he likes you, he'll confess before you do"

"But what if he doesn't-"

"Stay positive,Mel" Amelia said.


*** *** ***
"It's not fries if it doesn't have ketchup" Hudson teased with his plate in his hand.

"And it's not a head if there's no brain in it" Mel replied, stealing a comeback Damien taught her last week.

Hudson and Maria gasped.

"Melanie" Maria glared at her playfully.


"Yes?" Mel smiled.

Hudson touched his head and pouted.
"She said I don't have a brain!" He sulked.

Maria chuckled.

"Eat up,Mel" Maria chuckled.

Hudson sat across Mel and ate with his eyes narrowed.

Mel chuckled and continued to eat her fries.

Thank you for reading,guys. Hope you loved itttt❤️

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