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"What the hell are you doing with her?!" Damien's eyes went red!.

Tony couldn't say anything,he just stared at the floor.

"And why aren't you defending yourself? Why did you sit down and let him almost kiss you?!" He asked Mel.

"We were just talking and he-"

"Out of all places to have a conversation,you choose the biology lab. The empty biology lab!"

"I swear,I didn't consider that"

"Why are you even with him?" He asked Mel.

"I came out of the bathroom ,and we just began to talk from there.. I'm sorry"

"I've been asking a goddamn question and that is: Why did you let him almost kiss you?!

"I was gonna stop him," Mel begged. "In fact,I did and that was when you came in"

"Mel, you're my girlfriend! Not his! Why the hell were you both in here doing who knows what?!"

"Damien,you need to trust me," she pleaded as she wheeled towards him. "But you can't really blame me when I was searching for you all night" she said.

"I was doing the same thing,MM," his face fell. "I was searching for you immediately I was done with the pictures.. Dude, I've searched every classroom from the top"

"Then why are you blaming me? You haven't even had a normal conversation with me since we got here"

"That's because I was busy! Look,I even went to the nearby store to get you avocado cookies.. I know you don't like most of the things that have been served here" he said placing the box of cookies on the slab in the lab.

"Oh" she whispered.

"Yes,MM.. and I searched all over for you, happy that I have the cookies you love in my hands,only to find you with him in here"

"Damien..." She started and he shook his head.

"I trust you,but him? Oh,no.. he's a snake! A damn snake!"

"Damien, please... allow him explain himself"

"Of course not!," He said. "If he had anything to say,then he would have... I've been standing here for a couple of minutes now,and he hasn't said anything to justify his actions which only proves that he actually planned to kiss you! All this was planned out,Mel. How couldn't you see that?"

"I'm sorry, Damien" she pleaded as Damien let out a chuckle before leaving the laboratory.

Mel sighed as she saw Tony get up.

He looked devastated.

"Was all that planned?" She asked him,and he sighed.

"I'll explain to you later," He said. "But I need to talk to Damien first" he said and ran out of the lab.

Mel was extremely confused,but the more shocking fact was the fact that Damien did not lay a finger on Tony. Wow! The therapy sessions were really helping him.

Mel expected Tony to be half dead,but there he was, running out of the lab with his two legs. Intact.

She was also very sad because Damien just saw and misunderstood what just happened.

What she didn't understand was why Tony wanted to kiss her. She was someone's girlfriend,and he knew that.

She wheeled out of the laboratory,well,not before grabbing her box of cookies from the slab.

She needed to apologize to Damien.

*** ***
It had been twenty minutes since she began the search,and it was a futile one. She was starting to get exhausted. She even went outside to check for him,but he was nowhere to be seen.

She was now getting very worried.

Very worried.

As she searched around,she mistakenly bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry-" she said and looked up to see Lilian.

"Ouch!" Lilian frowned

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking" Mel pleaded.

"It's fine," Lilian chuckled and let out a sigh. "You look scattered by the way.. what's up?"

"I can't find Damien"

Lilian chuckled.
"He's not a baby," she laughed. "I think he's reconciling with his enemy"

"Please explain.. I'm very confused"

"I saw he and Tony weirdly go into the natatorium," Lilian shrugged. "It looked very weird because Tony was literally pushing him,but at some point, Tony chuckled,and I concluded that everything was alright... By the ways,Tony is harmless. He's just a nerd" Lilian chuckled.

"Did you say natatorium???" Mel's eyes went wide.

And when Lilian nodded,she started to call Blake's number.

"Is everything alright?," Lilian asked. "That was a while ago though.. They should be out,so I'm not sure if he's still there"

"Hey Blake! Please! I need your help! I'm right in front of class 2C! Please!!" Mel yelled into the phone because Blake was at the hall which was pretty noisy.

Lilian looked confused.
"What's wrong?"

"I hope my assumptions aren't right" Mel whispered as tears slipped out of her eyes

A few seconds later,Blake arrived.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a barbeque chicken in his hand.

"We need to go to the natatorium right now!" Mel yelled as Blake began to run

Lilian also followed him,and Mel wheeled behind.

Mel felt like her whole chest was closing up just thinking of what could be going on at the moment.

Blake opened the door,and they all ran towards the pool.

"Holy shit!" Blake yelled as he jumped into the pool.

"Oh no no no" Mel cried as Blake tried to get Damien out.

"Is there a-"

"He"s sensitive to chlorine!" Mel yelled and Lilian's eyes went wide.

"Oh no-" Lilian whispered.

"Blake! Are you okay?!" Mel yelled.

"I'm coming out soon," Blake said in a strained voice. "He has quite some weight"

Blake laid Damien on the floor next to the pool as he climbed out of the pool.

"I'm calling the ambulance" Lilian said.

Blake touched Damien's body.
"He's numb," Blake whispered.

"Get me on the floor,Blake" Mel begged,and Blake lifted her from her wheelchair and on the floor, right next to Damien

Mel immediately began to perform CPR. But he wasn't responding.

She sobbed as she tried one more time,but all she smelt was chlorine all over his body.

"The pool isn't always this chlorinated," Blake said and paced. "That bastard obviously added some more!"

Mel was far gone now.

She needed Damien to wake up.

The swinging open of the door startled her as some nurses and doctors ran towards them with a stretcher.

Blake put Mel on her wheelchair and helped her follow the doctors who were taking Damien to the ambulance

Students wore confused looks as they carried an unconscious Damien out of the school.

Thank you for readingggg 💥❤️❤️. Muahhhhh✨😌

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