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It was a free period,and he just needed some time to cool off in the library.

After all,he had a pretty heated morning argument with his father.

As he closed his eyes,her eyes appeared,and then her entire body appeared.  She was smiling,and her glasses were slipping onto her nose.

Yes,he couldn't deny her beauty or the way his heart felt when she rambled on about unnecessary stuff, but he also didn't want to jump into any conclusions.

Besides,MM was not the type of girl who daydreamed about boys. At least,he didn't see her that way.

Melanie would rather dream about every poet,or every great scientist there was,and have a tea party with them in her head.

Now,that was the kind of girl she was.

The sniffling nearby caught his attention,and he turned to see Lily sitting across him with red eyes


He was not in the mood for her flirting,but she looked distressed.

"Hey,Lilian," he said and furrowed his brows. "Why are you crying? What happened?"

She sniffled.
"I don't mean to bother you,but there's really no one I could talk to.. I mean.... you're really welcoming,and all" she sighed as she wiped under her eyes.

"No, it's fine... You could talk to me"

She looked around to see people reading around them.
"Can somewhere else?" She whispered and he nodded.

She stopped when they got to a shelf,and she leaned on it.

She closed her eyes,and Damien watched her.

Yes,she was beautiful,but it looked like she put in a lot of work to make herself look that way.

He could see the tons of eyeliner,and the pounds of foundation,but he chose to stay quiet.

Every lady had their way of being unique.

"So parents.. they wanna get a divorce," she sighed. "And I'm really torn in between them.. I don't know how to feel or act or who to choose. I mean.. it's hard on me, but this is all new,and...I don't know what it feels like to have just a parent," she said.

Damien stood directly in front of her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I mean... It's alright to feel very confused because you're human,and I think whatever decision your parents have made is for the best.. Follow your heart,Lily.. in less than a year, you'd be heading to college,and then,you can visit them both. That's if you want,of course," he said. "Just relax,and don't overthinking"

She smiled and nodded.
"Thank you,Damien"

She opened her arms for a hug,and he hesitated,but what the hell.. it was just a hug

He hugged her back,and just in a split second,she met her lips with his.

No. No. Noooo

"Get off,Lily!!" He said,but she held both sides of his face with her hands

"I said get off!" He exclaimed,and as he tried to push her off,he saw her with the corner of his eyes.

He wiped his mouth and narrowed his eyes at Lily.

The way she looked broke him.

She looked like she was about to cry?

He didn't know,but she definitely did not look okay.

""MM" He said and walked towards Mel.

Mel wheeled backwards
"Am I interrupting something?," She asked. "I'm sorry if I was... I just came to return this book"

"No you aren't," Damien sighed.

"Actually,you are," Lily said. "I was really enjoying that kiss"

"I'm sorry" Mel said.

"No, don't be," Damien said to Mel. "I wasn't doing anything"

No,she wasn't leaving like that.

She came at the wrong time!

Mel turned her wheelchair around in an attempt to leave when Damien grabbed her hand.

"Why are you feeling bad,Damien? She's not your girlfriend!" Lilian said and smirked. Damien wanted to literally sew her mouth shut.

Mel released her hand from his grasp and began to propel out if the library.

"You don't understand,Lilian" Damien said and began to walk towards Mel who was really moving at a high speed.

He ran after her,but stopped because she was moving really fast.

No,he couldn't let her just go that way.

He likes her,right?

She was his MM.

And she should not have seen that.

He felt angry,very angry.

The look on her face was enough to make a murderer confess

He made a girl look that way.

Now that is messed up.

He needed to fix things even if it meant confessing how he felt.

Thank you for reading,guys.⚧️

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