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With time, anything was possible. Things escalated so quickly.

A burial took place,and Mel met a lot of Damien's family members. Some of his cousins were co-running the business with their fathers,some were still in high school,some were engaged.

His family was a huge one,but everyone had one thing or the other to occupy them.

Mel was comfortable with them,but some of his cousins seemed 'perfect'. It just seemed...not right,but she didn't care. At least,Damien wasn't 'perfect' or claiming to be perfect.

She sighed as she clicked the same button on her laptop.

Her admission status was still pending.

Thompson College was driving her nuts,and she could lose her mind.
Damien was also planning on going there,well, after his sick dad mandated him to apply.

He was accepted last week,and since then,Mel had been nothing than tense. It was their plan. They planned on making things work in college.

Long distance wasn't gonna work out.


Mel sighed as her mom made faces at gowns hanging on racks. Her mom had quite a number of gowns in her hand,but Mel didn't seem attracted to any of them.

They just seemed....not her style. They seemed too much,too shiny and definitely too long.

Mel sighed as her mom called for her to wheel over.

"These are just beautiful,and I think they'll match the orange and black theme" Maria grinned.

"I don't know," Mel frowned. "Aren't they expensive?"

"Oh please," Maria scoffed. "That's not what you should be worrying about"

Mel shrugged.
"Whatever you pick is fine" she said,staring at the laptop on her laps.

"Honey," her mom walked over to her and pecked her cheek. "I know it's been hard for you staring at your laptop for weeks,but I'm very positive that you'll get in. I mean,any college in their right senses would accept you. You're my smart baby girl" she grinned at Mel.

Mel chuckled and closed her laptop slightly.
"Thanks mom"

"Now,pick one of these gowns," Maria said and her eyes suddenly went wide. "Or do you want all? I'll pay for all!"

"No,no! Certainly not," Mel sighed. "Whatever you pick is fine.. I really don't have good taste when it comes to things like these.. and if you're worried about Damien liking what I'm wearing,then you're wrong," Mel said and chuckled. "I could tell him I'm not attending prom anymore and he'll be cool with it"

"Yes, he'll be cool with it because he's Damien Brooks!," Maria said. "But I want you to go because it's memories like these that you're gonna hold on to later in the future. I mean...who doesn't go to prom" Maria rolled her eyes.

Mel chuckled.

"Oh,come on.. you're trying every gown in both of my hands"

*** **** ****
"It's pretty dope"

"And shocking" Mel agreed with a nod as she ate her fry.

"But I think it's cool," Damien smiled. "Any luck?"

"Not yet," Mel sighed. "But I'm happy that you've been given a scholarship"

"Yup," Damien smirked. "I guess training finally paid off"

Mel chuckled.
"So they think you're like the best lacrosse player at our school?"

"They don't think,honey.. They know" Damien said and Mel laughed.

"Wow, it's pretty huge," Mel said. "Have you told your mom?"

"Not yet," Damien said. "She'll be home tomorrow"

"Wow," Mel smiled. "So my boyfriend; Damien Brooks is on a scholarship because of his lacrosse skills?"

"And brain skills too" he nodded and Mel laughed again.

"Have you used your allergy drugs since yesterday? I've noticed some red spots on your arm"

"I have" Damien rolled his eyes.

"Because I think that pool was chlorinated"

"But I applied my diphenhydramine cream before swimming," Damien replied. "Besides,the doctor made it clear to me that it's not really possible to be allergic to chlorine. They said I'm either sensitive or have a reaction to it" he shrugged.

"I'm just saying," Mel drawled with an eye roll. "You have to be careful"

Damien leaned in to kiss her.
"What would you do if I squeezed all this ketchup in your mouth?" He smirked.

She widened her eyes and huffed.
"Don't you dare," she grimaced. "I'll literally die"

"Oh," he chuckled. "Then I'm aborting that plan"

Mel chuckled as Damien paid for their food.
"Where's our next destination?" Mel asked excitedly as Damien got up.

"Your house" he rolled his eyes.

*** ***
"You're not asleep yet?" She asked him

"Nah," he tapped buttons on his phone. "I have to be here when you get accepted"

Mel chuckled.
"What if I don't?"

"You will..,now hush"

Mel chuckled as they continued watching Stranger things.

She couldn't stop staring at her laptop,and she finally clicked on the button again.

This time,it took longer to load

She sighed as the status refreshed

The scream that escaped her mouth literally got the popcorn in Damien's hands flying to the floor.

"What??!!" Damien screamed as he moved to look at her laptop screen.

"Oh my gosh!" Mel yelled.

"Finally," Damien sighed.

"I got in!!!" She yelled again.

The door of her room flew open,and a half asleep Hudson had a confused look on his face.
"What are you doing to her?" He asked with just one eye open.

"Are you delusional? Or did you not just hear her scream that she got in" Damien rolled his eyes.

"Got in where....?," Hudson looked confused. "Ohhh!!!!"

He walked over and gave Mel a hug.
"Finally" he chuckled.

"Can I tell mom? And dad? And can I also go to Amelia's-"

"You can do all that in the morning,Mel," Hudson said and wiped his eyes with the back of his palm. "It's 1 in the morning"

Mel sighed and nodded.

"That's not a problem," Damien said and got up. "Let's go celebrate"

"What? No! It's late! Are you crazy dude?" Hudson asked.

"I am," Damien shrugged. "For her though"

"You're not invited by the way," Damien said to Hudson. "It's just both of us" he whispered.

Hudson rolled his eyes as he watched Damien wheel his sister out if her room.

As they got in the car,Mel played with her fingers.

"So it's midnight and not so many people are awake,but Blake should be available," Damien said and typed on his phone. "We're gonna get some ice cream,then head to the beach. Does that sound like a plan?"

"Yes!!," Mel grinned. "Finally,we get to go to the same college. Think of all the fun things we could do together"

"We could rent an apartment together," Damien shrugged. "Dorms are overpriced anyways"

Mel nodded and laughed.

Thanks for reading guyss❤️

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