9. Arrived.

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Chapter 9

"We have arrived," the little nudge on her feet practically made Lily bolt upright, oh god. Had she been falling into sleep once again? what in heavens must he think of her now? Most likely not an elegant society belle like her sister. Meeting his gaze, she expected a brooding look that he always seemed to wear, she was surprised to find warmth and amusement with the way he towered now over her, He cleared his throat, "I must have bored you my dear, and I am most sorry for that, to gain your forgiveness will you let me escort you down?"

Lily realised the carriage had already stopped, she wondered if he deliberately waited to wake her up, no the man seemed most likely to not have a single patience in his bone. Lily straightened and prayed to god she had not drooled, it was a habit of hers that never bothered her before, but around this man where she was supposed to be her twin sister she at least didn't want to be caught so early in the game and get an divorce paper thrown at her.

Watching his hand that was now reached out for her to grasp she replied softly, "No you have done nothing wrong, I am suffering a headache that is all, you ought not to trouble yourself" she used in her most sweet tone that apparently made a muscle on his chin move upwardly.

Was that a smile that was forming?

No, he perhaps was itchy and the muscle needed to move.

Yes, that made more sense.

He didn't retreat his hand, "So you say?" he remarked in a tone that almost felt like he was flirting, the amused gleam in his eyes lingered making her wonder how in the world could this man go from behaving as a scoundrel to a gentleman, no perhaps he had not been a scoundrel, since that would require for him to not behave as she is some mannequin in a store only to be watched and never touched, well besides the kiss in front of the whole assembly, and that was something he did out of expectations of course.

A hot shiver ran through her at where her thoughts were heading, she felt her cheeks heated, thankfully he didn't seem to figure anything out, only waiting for her hand.

She hid her annoyance and grasped his gloved covered hands with her own, she was not prepared for his arms to trail behind her back and grip her waist pulling her forward from her once sitting position, "I hope I have not disappointed you," his breath fanned her neck and she was mortified to feel him standing so close to her.

God hell, he was catching her off guard, and to think her sister said he was a gentleman! A gentleman in disguise of course. This man was an elligible bachelor, a rake all through.

How had she not figured out, the man practically looked dangerous and forbidden with his dark looks and tall form, his body muscles astonishing for an English man, before she could ask what he meant by those two footmen opened the carriages front doors and Lily had to remind herself to breath at the view that captured her eyes.

Someone ought to pinch her, what she expected was to see his home estate, perhaps a castle or two that he could toss her inside and leave her with all the awaiting chores, after all that is what she expected from a high titled man like him.

But the place was neither a castle nor an house estate, it was an mesmerizing lodge with an view of an entire ocean, how much she loved the beach, her breath halted as she grasped it all in. It seemed private... intimate and nothing like him.

Her surprise must have been visible because she could feel his gaze piercing through hers, wiping her gaze to his she could feel a hope of anticipation and she realised that she hadn't voiced anything, "It's yours?" she stupidly asked, but she couldn't fathom that he brought her here... well supposedly her sister but she shouldn't be voicing that, then she wondered if her sister knew and was prepared for it, oh how of a fool she has been reacting! Living in the countryside of Ireland and being away from England where she once had all the lavish, exclusive things a lady could wish for in the cream of London's society must have lowered her expectations, she quickly jutted her chin out trying her best to hide her shock. she needed to grasp herself.

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